rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

7-2-10 7:15 am-noon

It was a pretty quiet morning.1 Juvenile on the OCSR building. Beauty on mercury. 1 juvie on Times Square building(TS).Soon after I arrived watchers JimP,JimD and Debbie came along.We saw Beauty and Archer stoop over the river. There were lots of ducks in the river including a Great Blue Heron.The city was really hopping as people from all directions started coming to the BlueCross Arena @ the War Memorial for a religious convention. Watcher Diane came along and showed me some pins and stuffed peregrines she had made to sell for rfalconcam. KathyO joined us and then she and Diane went to the south avenue parking garage to get a better look around.Meanwhile Jemison was up at the base of mercury all morning.Iwrote down some notes and noticed 2 mounted police. Started to take a picture and that’s when the quiet morning ended. Suddenly an officer told me one of our falcons might be down at the hotel down on State St. I jumped in the truck drove down there just as animal control was crating Jemison to load in van and take to vet.

2 Responses to “7-2-10 7:15 am-noon”

  1. Donna Says:

    Thanks MAK, nice summary leading up to where Jim took over. Good job girl. Poor Jemison, he is such a good flier, too bad the buildings just keep jumping out in front of him.

  2. Carol Says:

    Good first report MAK. 🙂

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