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Eyes to the Skies

Fledge Watch – Hot Days! July 6, 2010

Rochester Falcon Watcher: Carol P.

While a big portion of the country is currently in a heat wave, many Rochester Falcon Watchers have been braving the scorching temperatures.  We all take keeping an eye on “our” fledglings very seriously.

Today’s Watchers included, Dan S, MAK, Brian H, Joyce, Marcia, Carrie, Shaky, Kathy O and Larry O (not related!  lol).

Brian remained downtown during the daytime, taking cool down breaks at the library and drinking lots of water.  He saw Callidora do some really nice flying during the afternoon.  Most of the day, Callidora was located on the Frontier Communication Tower, keeping to the shade.  Archer and Beauty were with her on and off during the day, but most of the time she was by herself.  Although I’m sure A&B were keeping an eye on her.

A little before 8 pm, Archer flew up to the communication tower and Callidora started crying.  As far as we knew, she had not been fed today.  Archer circled nearby, eventually heading south.  Soon after, Callidora took off, heading in the same direction.  Carrie and Shaky found them both on the Monroe Cty Jail’s communication tower.

The Watchers split up.  Marcia, MAK and I were located on the middle of the Broad St. Bridge, facing the Time Square Bldg. (TSB).  We could see both A&C on the comm twr.  The radio came to life, “Archer just took off heading north!”

I couldn’t see where he went, but I certain saw him returning towards us.  He was successful on his hunt.  Archer flew over us, clutching prey.  He ended up on the TSB on the base of the SE wing.  Feathers flew!  We reported to the others that Archer had food.

The others watching Callidora, called to say that she had taken off and was heading our way.  We watched as she flew towards the TSB, circling and screaming.  She eventually landed next to Archer.  In Marcia’s pictures, it shows that Archer attempted to feed her, but she would have none of that.  She grabbed her dinner and Archer was off, returning to the jail’s communication tower.

When I left at 8:30 pm, Callidora had finished her meal and had returned to join her father on the jail’s communication tower.  It was a nice ending to a very long, hot day.  🙂

Keep cool everyone!

One Response to “Fledge Watch – Hot Days! July 6, 2010”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    I send a mental iceberg your way – cooling should set in in a couple of days – we will get some on Friday.

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