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Eyes to the Skies

Fledge Watch – Callidora Gets Lessons from Beauty (4-7:30pm)

Rochester Falcon Watcher:  Carol P.

With Jemison out of commission, hopefully temporarily, it was a joy to see his big sister Callidora doing so well.  At 4 pm, I joined Brian H on top of the Sister Cities Ramp garage.  It was blistering hot, but we found some shade and settled in to watch Callidora and Beauty on the Frontier communication tower.  For the first couple hours, there wasn’t much activity.

Brian explained that Beauty had earlier flown in with a pigeon.  Callidora was right on her tail, literally!  She tried to grab the pigeon with her beak, but Beauty would not allow it.  Beauty landed on a platform on the shorter of the two comm towers and Callidora landed next to her, finally wrestling the pigeon away from her mother.  With no time to prepare the meal, Beauty stood by as her daughter seemed to question why she wasn’t being fed.  😉

Brian said Beauty was softly kaking while Callidora slowly figured out what she had to do.  Feathers were plucked and dinner was finally self served.  Callidora is a quick learner, especially when it comes to food!

Twice during the afternoon, Callidora went to the pigeon, finishing most of it by the time I arrived.  Fed, with a full crop, both Beauty and Callidora settled inside the frame work of the taller communication tower, finding shade.  Archer visited for awhile and then took off flying over the gorge, then heading south, back towards the city where we lost sight of him.

MAK joined us and we continued to watch.  The first hour is no longer free in the city ramp garages.  It costs $1 for the first two hours.  When my two hours were up, we headed down to street level and parked in front of the City Hall.  There are nice benches located there.  Dana and Lou joined us on the Watch.

During the last hour and 1/2 of my Watch, Callidora took off a couple times, soaring around the area and always returning to the communication tower.  When I left at 7:30 pm, Callidora had settled on the top arm of the comm tower and Beauty was still within the framework below her.  She is flying really well and her landings are getting better and better.

I left the others to continue the Watch.

7 Responses to “Fledge Watch – Callidora Gets Lessons from Beauty (4-7:30pm)”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    I am planning on coming to Rochester on July 25th or 26th and hope to run into some watchers whom I know only from the www, even if it has been many years. I will keep reading the blogs to see where I might find you. If I am lucky, Jemison could be out flying again.

  2. Carol P. Says:

    I would love to meet you Alison!

  3. Maureen in MA Says:

    Won’t that be exciting! 😀

  4. mudjie Says:

    Is is possible for us to doanate monies to the volunteers so they can use the parking garages when needed? I would be willing to send a check if I knew who to send it to.. I already donated to the cause.

  5. Melissa in MA Says:

    I love reading the interactions between the falcons; this one between Beauty
    and her daughter is especially endearing.

  6. KinderKids Says:

    For first time parents, Beauty and Archer seem to really know what they are doing! In this write-up Callidora reminds me of a 2-or 3-year old, impatient and wanting to do it herself, even though she doesn’t really know how. Loved the way you described Beauty just standing by, softly kakking, as Callidora prepared her own meal. Makes me smile! Thank you!

  7. Carol Says:

    You’re welcome. 🙂

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