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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 2-27-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

When I left the house there was a good 2 or 3 inches of wet slushy snow on the ground with more expected. At 34 degrees (F) 1 (C) it was going to stay sloppy. During my watch it snowed and sleeted in varying intensity.

Starting out on the Broad St. bridge I could see no Beauty and no mystery tiercel on any of the buildings visible from there. The Mercury statue had snow stuck on its back side.

img_9936-mercury-has-snow-on-its-back-side Click pics for the full version

I drove around looking and ended up checking the Lake Tower apartments for our other mystery PEFA with no luck. When I returned to the downtown area I found Beauty at 7:05am on the west corner top ibeam of OCSR a spot she has been frequenting lately.


I started out on Aqueduct St. a place I lovingly call the hole because you’re surrounded  by buildings and it feels like you’re in a hole. I then drove over to State St. and parked across from the Rochester Plaza Hotel to share space with the Beautyful one.


Just like yesterday Beauty moved around the corner to the north side probably to avoid the heavy sleet that was pelting her. I stayed with her until a little after 8:00am took a spin around downtown to look for mystery man and ended up at the Brighton site. It was half snowing and half sleeting when I arrived with Pigott on the west end of the south side vent.


Pigott was watching a Canadian goose that was on a lower roof below her and generally keeping an eye on the trees for a meal. She did do a little preening but let’s face it with wet snow and sleet coming down so hard it wasn’t improving her looks ! lol She also napped briefly making me think of her sleeping prince BST. I miss the little cutie and hope he is safe!

img_0020-pigott-mimics-bst-sleeping img_0021-stretch-that-wing

I left  Miss Pigott after an hour or so to see  if  Beauty was still on OCSR or perhaps the tiercel from yesterday was around. No luck on either falcon so I ended my watch at 9:44am. I’m thinking M (mystery tiercel) stopped in Rochester to get some rest before continuing his migration and has moved on now. It was fun following him around-made me smile! 🙂

Links below are for videos of Beauty and Pigott-just click and view


2 Responses to “Morning watch 2-27-13”

  1. Ginny Says:

    Thanks for going out in the horrible weather to check on our falcons MAK.
    I was hoping the little mystery guy would have stayed….
    Dot seems to be late coming back too …….

  2. MAK Says:

    No worries Ginny, DC didn’t come here until late March early April last year. Mystery guy probably has a mate that he had to get back to. And the weather was just plain messy but not a problem. 🙂

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