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Eyes to the Skies

Rain, Sleet, Snow, Beauty and Pigott (3:45 to 5:30 pm) – 2/27/13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

It was a mishmash of weather today.  During the day, it constantly changed from sleet to snow to rain and back again.  When I started my watch it was somewhere in between rain and snow.  Thankfully the roads weren’t bad.  The city did a great job keeping up with the slippery wintery mix.

I first checked out the KP area, no falcons there.  My next stop was the LT location.  I checked both sides and found no falcons.

When I got downtown, it was more snow, so it was really hard to see.  I checked the whole downtown area and couldn’t find any falcons.  I ended up back on the Andrews St Bridge and looked back towards the Kodak Office Tower.  Was that a falcon on the arch ledge above the old Mariah and Kaver nest site?  I drove over to get a closer look and found out that it was Beauty  up there.  She was facing SE, keeping an eye on her territory.  I circled the Kodak Tower checking to see if there might be a 2nd Peregrine up there, but there wasn’t.

Beauty on Kodak Office Tower 2/27/13Beauty on Kodak Office Tower 2/27/13*





All was quiet and she seemed settled, so I headed over to check for Pigott at the BS location.  I quickly found her on the NW corner of the building, keeping watch over her territory.  Two turns around the building and I was quite sure she was by herself.

Pigott at BS Location 2/17/13Pigott at BS Location 2/17/13*





Like Beauty, Pigott seemed to just be biding her time waiting for the return of her mate or possibly another male.  There is no certainty that things will remain the same.  As we’ve all found out over the years, change is inevitable.  That is just the way it is.

I left BS and returned downtown for one more look, then it was time to head home.  It was snowing even harder, and I could barely see Beauty on the arch ledge.

Beauty on the Kodak Tower 2/27/13*





I watched her for a few moments and then headed over to the LT location for one more look.  Again, I did not see a falcon there.  Time to end my watch.

I’ll leave you with this picture of the Kodak Tower, showing some of the places labeled that we have been mentioning in our watch reports.  I know many of you are not familiar with this building.  I spent years staring at this building when Mariah and Kaver were there.  Hope it helps.

Be sure to click on any pictures you would like to see in a larger format.

Kodak Office Tower 2/17/13

2 Responses to “Rain, Sleet, Snow, Beauty and Pigott (3:45 to 5:30 pm) – 2/27/13”

  1. nycbird Says:

    Cannot help but think that Beauty remembers the “home base” of the falcon she won the territory from was on the KT. Perhaps she is guarding against any intruder from that”homebase”

  2. Carol P. Says:

    The Kodak Office Tower has always been a place that attracted Peregrines throughout the years. Tall with the look of a natural cliff side. From on top of the tower a Peregrine can see for miles in every direction. A perfect Peregrine Perch! 🙂

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