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1  Rochester Falcons / Rochester Falcons History / Sorry to bring it up... Mariah? on: 24-May-11, 06:40:01 PM
Can anyone let me know what has become of our girl?
2  Rochester Falcons / Rochester Falcon Discussion / Re: Zephyr Picture on: 10-Apr-11, 09:04:48 PM
Yes kris! Thats the one thanks so much. Although i'm glad to have the other ones because i missed those too, beautiful pictures. Off to work but thanks for finding it for me!
3  Rochester Falcons / Rochester Falcon Discussion / Re: Zephyr Picture on: 09-Apr-11, 08:58:14 AM
Those are beautiful pictures Smiley Someone once took the picture and blacked him out, making a card of it or something similar. I cant seem to find this picture! Smiley I'll patiently wait. Either version would do, although I would prefer the original if someone can find it. 2thumbsup
4  Rochester Falcons / Rochester Falcon Discussion / Zephyr Picture on: 08-Apr-11, 11:28:12 AM

Someone posted a picture a long time ago of who I believe was Zephyr standing on a wire, his wings fully spread above his head, with his tail fanned out. The picture has been on my mind for a while, and I was wondering if anyone had it, or if they could post or send a link to it. Strictly personal reasons, nothing proffessional. Please let me know as this was an amazing picture. Thanks!

- Tiff in Utica
5  Rochester Falcons / Rochester Falcon Discussion / Re: Pictures from the Rfalconcam cameras on: 21-Mar-10, 11:17:06 AM
With those long stick legs how could we have any doubt about Archer??? clap So excited he's BAAACK!
6  Other Nature Related Information / General Nature Discussion / Dead bird found in utica. (warning graphic) on: 11-Aug-09, 07:09:06 PM
hi, my boyfriend texted me today sending me pictures of a bird, very worried that it was either maya or tor up here in utica. I was positive it wasnt them by the yellowed coloring, but instead feared it was a juvinille.

Since i've been home i"ve uploaded the pictures for a better look. I'm going to attatch the pictures. From the picture, I know its not a peregrine by the facial markings, and the tail bands. But what i'm confused about... is what bird is it then?

At first i was thinking Merlin, but the beak doesnt seem right, it was the closest description i could get to the tail bands though. Maybe you guys can give me some help so i can at least identify the poor guy.
7  Member Activities / Pets / Re: Falcon Watcher's Pets on: 06-Aug-09, 03:38:45 PM
Thankee  happy, Birds are such wonderful pets, although i've never had the pleasure of owning one myself. I own fish mostly, I dont think my mother figured i was ready for a pet that could live longer than me, now that I"m out, the dog, cat, bearded dragon, and fish keep this little apartment well full!
8  Member Activities / Pets / Re: Falcon Watcher's Pets on: 05-Aug-09, 06:43:11 PM
9  Member Activities / Pets / Re: Falcon Watcher's Pets on: 05-Aug-09, 06:40:54 PM
Well I'll try and get a couple pics of my pets in here. The dog is a puggle named bridget and the kitty is Sabastian. Bridget is the one who comes with me to visit maya and tor up here in utica.
Bridgets my baby, and sabastian is a big cuddle bug. I've never met a cat that likes attention (and food) as much as he does lol
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