16-Feb-25, 08:36:56 AM
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Member Activities / Events / Re: Watchers Weekend 2014
on: 04-Jun-14, 09:04:03 PM
Just a quick note in case you didn't know regarding the T shirt...
You can select a different T shirt style that's less expensive. For example there's a value T shirt for only $15.95 - it only comes with one color choice (white). There's another for $20.95 that does offer color choices. You can also get it on other items - long sleeved shirts, hooded sweatshirts, etc.
To see these options, just click on the 'See All Styles' button on the lower right. Lots to pick from!
Rochester Falcons / Rochester Falcon Discussion / Re: A few flight shots from 7-18
on: 18-Jul-13, 09:38:12 PM
By the way, I hate the way Shutterfly crops the picture in slideshow mode. It's actually just better to doubleclick on the picture when the album opens. It's a smaller image, but at least the entire image is there.
Does anyone have any suggestions/tips regarding this?