Dana and I headed downtown a little after 6:00 pm today and saw three falcons flying around the Widows Peak and the Civic Center.
When we first arrived, we had a falcon on the top arm of the Frontier Communication tower. It flew south towards Main Street. We headed out after it and found who we think was Beauty, eating on the Widow's Peak. It suddenly abandoned its' food and flew off going south. After driving around looking for it, we spotted two falcons on the Communication Tower at the Court House.
They then flew off, going north. We drove again and found two on back on the Widow's Peak. We believe it was Archer and Beauty.
That's when we spotted a third falcon flying about 30 feet over them, flying south. One took off and after a minute or so, we heard echups. (?) At one point, Dana thought there may have been four falcons, however, we could only confirm three.
It was getting dark, so we headed off, leaving one on the Widow's Peak and one on the Communication Tower at the Court House.
Unfortunately, I had my short lens on and didn't get any detailed pictures. I also missed the picture of the third falcon. But definitely, there were three.
Don't know what to make of this. We speculated that it was Mariah, or that it was the wintering pair returning, or that it was just one migrating through. Who knows? But an any rate, it was nice to see some peregrines today!
Here's a link to some pictures I took: