Hi Donna,
I don't get to the forum every day and sometimes I don't have time to get to the OT stuff. I just saw your post and instantly saw the head of a raptor in the right corner. I didn't think of it as an eyas though. Where you placed your other arrow, I see a profile of the right side of a face and it looks like it is looking at a cobra snake. Do you see it?
Joyce do you see the ssss
(figures) under the rfalconcam logo? Ok, I do see a face or could be just a big nose, (Janet) depends on how you see it.. I still see an eyas or could be a baby eagle, hawk. On the very bottom under what I think is an eyas, looks like a bird also, could be a hummer...etc. I'm still looking for a Frog, (Aafke)..Beetle (NoraH), Cat (Rita/Judi) and a man with a walking stick (Carol). I do see Paul's Tree/Spade and still waiting for Ei to say what she saw. She's not talking....maybe smart of her. I like how everyone see's something different.