I was just browsing through some of the entries & spotted this one...
99. John D. Meakin, Cheshire, CT
Here is a photo of a Killdeer's nest by the main entry drive to Cheshire, CT, High School. 1400 students go past this site at least twice a day. The school buses must pass within 3 feet of the nest on the way to and from the school's main entrance.
Home > Challenges > Funky Nests 2010 > Funky Entries > 97-120 >
100. John D. Meakin, Cheshire, CT
Here is a Killdeer doing its 'I am wounded' routine by the main entry drive to Cheshire, CT, High School. 1400 students go past this site at least twice a day. The school buses pass within 3 feet of the nest on the way to and from the school's main entrance.