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Author Topic: Bald eagle rescued from car grille in Florida  (Read 4985 times)
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« on: 09-Oct-16, 08:49:46 PM »

I hope this poor eagle, a seven year old male, will make a complete recovery. The plan is to release him once he recovers from his ordeal. I am very glad he was rescued. Many thanks to Clay County police and firefighters for helping him.

Bald eagle stuck in car grill rescued in Florida

Photos: Clay County Sheriff's Office.
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Oct. 9 (UPI) -- What appeared at first to be a 3D decal on the front of a car bumper, turned out to be a live eagle. The driver who noticed the eagle stuck in the front grill of a passing car chased down the vehicle and alerted police.

Clay County police and firefighters were soon on the scene, and were able to dislodge the eagle. The bird apparently became lodged in the front of the car when it flew too close in front of the oncoming vehicle.

"The bird is alive and was turned over to the B.E.A.K.S. Wildlife Sanctuary," the Clay County Sheriff's Office reported on Facebook. "Great job by all involved."
« Last Edit: 18-Oct-16, 09:55:41 PM by AlisonL » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: 18-Oct-16, 10:10:12 PM »

The bald eagle rescued from a car grille has been named Matthew, and is now in care at B.E.A.K.S. Wildlife Sanctuary, where he is doing well.

An article from

Photo by Cindy Mosling, BEAKS.

‘Matthew’ the bald eagle recovering at BEAKS after vehicle encounter

Famed bald eagle Matthew was bruised not broken by a Saturday encounter with a Saturn on Fleming Island.

The bird made national news after becoming stuck in a car grille in traffic on U.S. 17 the day after Hurricane Matthew blew by Northeast Florida. After being freed from the car by Clay Fire and Rescue and Clay County Sheriff’s deputies, the bird was taken to Cindy Mosling, who founded the BEAKS wildlife sanctuary on Big Talbot Island in Jacksonville.

She was stunned to find that the bird did not have broken wings or bones. He was initially “lethargic,” likely because of the experience and related bruising, she said. But by Monday, Matthew was eating and was able to fly to higher perches in his cage.

“He’s feisty now,” she said. “His wings are working.”

Mosling planned to give Matthew a test flight in a larger enclosure to confirm the health of those wings. If the bird passes that test, he will be released “right away,” she said.

The eagle was christened Matthew by Billi West, who was driving on U.S. 17 on Fleming Island, saw it caught in the grille of another car and motioned to the other driver to pull over. She later drove the bird to Mosling.

About 100 BEAKS birds were evacuated to Callahan during the storm. An ostrich and emu had to be left behind in a tarp-covered enclosure and Mosling spent anxious hours worrying about them. But they made it through fine, Mosling said.

Meanwhile, many trees on the property did not fare so well. So many large trees are down that Mosling said she suspected a tornado went through the sanctuary.

“We had to climb trees to get in,” she said.

Many aviary enclosures that used to receive shade from those trees have to be relocated because they are now in direct sunlight, she said.

Miraculously, the falling trees came down between enclosures rather than on top of them. But Mosling needs donations to repair many enclosure screens that were damaged.

Video of the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew, including more information and footage of Matthew the bald eagle.
Kris G.
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« Reply #2 on: 01-Nov-16, 01:41:14 PM »

                                    good news   clap

Carol P.
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« Reply #3 on: 01-Nov-16, 01:50:12 PM »


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« Reply #4 on: 01-Nov-16, 02:43:17 PM »

 thumbsup Hooray for this lucky eagle, and double hooray for the caring woman who saw it entangled in the car's grille, stopped the driver, and called for rescue.

Dot in PA

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« Reply #5 on: 01-Nov-16, 04:57:14 PM »

Great news! Thanks for posting the update, Kris!

Everyone involved did everything right during this rescue, and it's nice to see that some people received awards for what they did. Very well deserved.

Matthew looks good, and very happy to be free again:

Photos from Jacksonville Channel 4 News:

More photos of the release at the link below:
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« Reply #6 on: 01-Nov-16, 08:44:35 PM »

Thanks Alison!  thumbsup

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Carol P.
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« Reply #7 on: 01-Nov-16, 09:32:57 PM »

Love these pictures Alison! Thanks for sharing!  wave

Peregrines know no borders.....
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