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Quest (2008) - Toronto/Don Mills
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Topic: Quest (2008) - Toronto/Don Mills (Read 66605 times)
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Quest (2008) - Toronto/Don Mills
04-Jul-16, 09:09:04 AM »
Possible New Male at Duncan Mill Road
July 04, 2016 - Toronto - Don Mills
Tracy Simpson Reports:
Bruce Massey is at Duncan Mill Road right now with Quest on the Westin Hotel and she is not alone. An adult male has joined her and is perched on the opposite side. Quest is on the E of the Westin sign looking north while he sits and admires her. He is confirmed unbanded by scope view.
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Quest (2008) - Toronto/Don Mills
Reply #1 on:
04-Jul-16, 02:58:38 PM »
Quote from: carly on 04-Jul-16, 09:09:04 AM
Possible New Male at Duncan Mill Road
July 04, 2016 - Toronto - Don Mills
Tracy Simpson Reports:
Bruce Massey is at Duncan Mill Road right now with Quest on the Westin Hotel and she is not alone. An adult male has joined her and is perched on the opposite side. Quest is on the E of the Westin sign looking north while he sits and admires her. He is confirmed unbanded by scope view.
Males are in line waiting for a go with our Quest!! Hope for miracles and no more bad news!! Thanks
Last Edit: 05-Jul-16, 07:17:25 AM by Donna
Kris G.
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Quest (2008) - Toronto/Don Mills
Reply #2 on:
04-Jul-16, 06:10:55 PM »
Quote from: carly on 04-Jul-16, 09:09:04 AM
Possible New Male at Duncan Mill Road
July 04, 2016 - Toronto - Don Mills
Tracy Simpson Reports:
Bruce Massey is at Duncan Mill Road right now with Quest on the Westin Hotel and she is not alone. An adult male has joined her and is perched on the opposite side. Quest is on the E of the Westin sign looking north while he sits and admires her. He is confirmed unbanded by scope view.
Wonder how the "kids" are doing?
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Quest (2008) - Toronto/Don Mills
Reply #3 on:
05-Jul-16, 12:41:21 AM »
Quest-you go girl!
I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
-John Burroughs
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Quest (2008) - Toronto/Don Mills
Reply #4 on:
11-Jul-16, 03:03:24 PM »
Quest may have the kids hidden
July 11, 2016 - Toronto - Don Mills
Marion Nash Reports:
In a nutshell, eearily quiet. Since coming back to work I’ve so wanted to enjoy the usual aerial antics of juvies chasing and playing, but this year, nada. I read about poor Mac, and a new male in the vicinity (Bruce’s update), and of course wondered about the overall silence and lack of activity around the nest so far this summer. Last week I only really saw Quest from time to time at the nest. One day she spent most of the day there (surely that is unusual when she’d be guiding her four juvies in flight lessons etc? Or they’d be harassing her?) Thinking of previous years, it’s usually an awesome time not long after fledge, when you work so close to a nest site!
I heard affectionate chip chip sounds a couple of times. Last Monday, July 4th, I saw two falcons, one chasing the other between 225 and 220 buildings, and figured it was a juvie doing what they do (the only time I heard that screaming sound). Then I read Bruce’s update re Quest and a new male on the Westin Building, and wondered if it was Quest and her visitor (maybe she was chasing him away???)
Once, later in the week, the chip chip sounds alerted me to look over and I briefly saw two falcons at the nest, then one tucked inside as the other flew off. I wonder now if the new male was bringing Quest food, or trying to land got chased off…or if it was a juvie… Not sure it happened so fast. Have seen an occasional fast fly by and some aerial soaring above 240, and figure it’s probably Quest.
I decided to come in on Saturday to take advantage of the quiet, and walked all over the vicinity around 3pm. Came up to the 7th floor, and did a quick walk to look over to Thales and spotted a falcon right away, on the top north east corner ledge. Saw Quest in the nest box and on the nest ledge. My binocs couldn’t really make out the falcon clearly on the Thales building but I could swear the light picked up a pale enough chest that it had to be an adult. Quest was at the nest ledge for a very long time. Couldn’t see any other falcon (or hear them, again thinking how silent it was).
I decided to wait a bit and check again at around 5-5:30 as the late afternoons on these hot days are often quiet. Quest off somewhere. A peregrine once again on the east side of Thales so walked down Moatfield to get a closer look. Figured it was Quest from the markings. Watched her for a bit, then she took off suddenly, towards the nest building (over Bayview school and out of sight). Very soon after (as I thought I will walk around a bit) I heard the whiny keening sound, and another came in overhead to the very ledge that had just been occupied. Whoever it was looked like an adult (pale chest and heavily barred belly). The distance in from the ledge didn’t allow me to catch any sign of coloured leg tape, but it vocalized on the ledge for quite some time, then took off suddenly towards the ravine. I walked up Moatfield and all around the nest building again, and buildings next to it and couldn’t find anyone. So called it a day.
Re the male spotted at the Westin. Other than a possible visit last week, I haven’t seen another falcon at the nest at all (if he is still trying to move in). Perhaps Quest has the gang off somewhere safe. Fingers crossed. As I type on Monday morning, she’s on the nest ledge (alone).
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Quest (2008) - Toronto/Don Mills
Reply #5 on:
11-Jul-16, 03:28:15 PM »
I am sure the kids are safe. Some days I don't see our 2 at all and then next day they'll come screaming in for food and then 'poof' they are gone again.
I have no doubt Quest is taking care of them. It's been a month or so since they fledged and it's been stinking hot here lately - I don't see our kids during the day when it's hot either unless they decide to come to nest ledge where the cam is.
Carol P.
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Quest (2008) - Toronto/Don Mills
Reply #6 on:
11-Jul-16, 03:50:06 PM »
Thanks to all reporting about Quest and family.
Peregrines know no borders.....
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Quest (2008) - Toronto/Don Mills
Reply #7 on:
11-Jul-16, 06:48:51 PM »
Would the new male go after the juvies cuz they're not his? Oh, I hope not!!!!
I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
-John Burroughs
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Quest (2008) - Toronto/Don Mills
Reply #8 on:
11-Jul-16, 09:18:46 PM »
Quote from: MAK on 11-Jul-16, 06:48:51 PM
Would the new male go after the juvies cuz they're not his? Oh, I hope not!!!!
He would not MAK, that's strictly a female thing. The worst he would do is ignore them. He's trying to win her over so he's not going to do anything stupid - she'd kick his tail feathers.
Remember the last time she lost a mate, the same thing happened and then a few weeks later we had a reported sighting of one of her kids in the US somewhere. I can't remember which one it was but it was one of her daughters.
My personal opinion is - the building they nest on is very low. They likely move out faster to get some height so they can learn to hunt. You wouldn't be teaching a juvie to stoop off a low rise like that, they'd hit the ground before they picked up any speed. I expect they get moved out for training regardless of any drama going on around them.
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Quest (2008) - Toronto/Don Mills
Reply #9 on:
11-Jul-16, 09:42:26 PM »
Quote from: carly on 11-Jul-16, 09:18:46 PM
Quote from: MAK on 11-Jul-16, 06:48:51 PM
Would the new male go after the juvies cuz they're not his? Oh, I hope not!!!!
He would not MAK, that's strictly a female thing. The worst he would do is ignore them. He's trying to win her over so he's not going to do anything stupid - she'd kick his tail feathers.
Remember the last time she lost a mate, the same thing happened and then a few weeks later we had a reported sighting of one of her kids in the US somewhere. I can't remember which one it was but it was one of her daughters.
My personal opinion is - the building they nest on is very low. They likely move out faster to get some height so they can learn to hunt. You wouldn't be teaching a juvie to stoop off a low rise like that, they'd hit the ground before they picked up any speed. I expect they get moved out for training regardless of any drama going on around them.
Thanks Carly-I knew someone could answer my question. So they're movin' on up!
I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
-John Burroughs
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Quest (2008) - Toronto/Don Mills
Reply #10 on:
11-Jul-16, 09:43:47 PM »
I went back and looked it up, it was Luna and she was spotted in Ohio by C&C in early September. I remember at the time watchers there were concerned that no one was seeing the kids after Skye showed up on site so it was a big relief to hear that Luna was sighted. I have faith in Quest, she wouldn't let anyone hurt her kids.
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Quest (2008) - Toronto/Don Mills
Reply #11 on:
11-Jul-16, 11:32:53 PM »
Quote from: carly on 11-Jul-16, 09:43:47 PM
I went back and looked it up, it was Luna and she was spotted in Ohio by C&C in early September. I remember at the time watchers there were concerned that no one was seeing the kids after Skye showed up on site so it was a big relief to hear that Luna was sighted. I have faith in Quest, she wouldn't let anyone hurt her kids.
I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
-John Burroughs
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Quest (2008) - Toronto/Don Mills
Reply #12 on:
17-Jul-16, 01:23:22 AM »
I am so very sorry about the loss of Quest's mate McKinley. Poor little guy; he was so young.
Earlier this evening, I checked the Don Mills cam, and there was a peregrine at the nest.
This bird did not look like Quest to me, and as far as I can tell, is unbanded. The cam images are low resolution and somewhat out of focus, but I think this may be the new male.
After the last pic, he was gone.
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Quest (2008) - Toronto/Don Mills
Reply #13 on:
17-Jul-16, 01:29:30 AM »
About an hour later, there was someone at the nest again. This bird is banded, and I think this is Quest, with a very full crop.
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Quest (2008) - Toronto/Don Mills
Reply #14 on:
25-Jul-16, 12:37:47 PM »
New mate
Just a update on Quest-her mate was Mac, my baby from 2 years ago, who was killed a month ago. The four juvies are gone, hopefully Quest got them out before the new male came , and they got some training from her. I checked out the nest site this weekend and found Quest and the New Guy(NG) there today. The courtship has begun...
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