note: that cam in Donna's post is not at the Uptown but at UIC (University of Illinois).
Stephanie Ware's site,, though not recently updated, gives a good picture of Chicago's umpteen falcon scrapes. It's quite an extensive website. She works at the Field Museum with Mary Hennen. As for Uptown, g/g and Zoom are still nesting there: Stephanie's site reported in mid-May:
Chicago, Uptown Theater
Adult Female: Zoom (b/r *4/H), 1997, North Central Life, St. Paul, MN (10th year)
Adult Male: “Guy” (unnamed) (b/g G/G), 2001, NIPSCO Schahfer Plant, Wheatfield, IN (8th year)
Total young produced at site: 27.
10th year for this site.
An Uptown Theater page reported in June that:
"Mary reported ...that there are two male chicks ...about 25 to 28 days old. One was named Lord Stanley in honor of the Blackhawks and the other Rudy, after the late vaudevillian Rudy Horn, who lived in Uptown and recalled the theatre's colorful past."
I drive past there every other day or so and sometimes see falcons flying, but have not had time to watch there. It's only a couple of miles from where I live, but Evanston is a bit closer.