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Fred Vickers, anneintoronto's father, who died in December 2009
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Topic: Fred Vickers, anneintoronto's father, who died in December 2009 (Read 8801 times)
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Fred Vickers, anneintoronto's father, who died in December 2009
01-Aug-10, 06:03:28 AM »
For the Folk of this Forum,
Although my Dad, Fred Vickers, died 'way back in December, we weren't able to bury him until yesterday, due to extended family logistics,. We had fine weather, good family & friends and, through the Ethernet, many of you, who were so kind to my Dad, as the oldest member of this group. So, when I was thinking of what I would like to say about my Dad at the graveside service, it dawned on me, that all you folk should be included. So I told those present about rfalconcam and what all of you, Mariah & Kaver and all their offspring, did to add joy to my father's life and specifically read a note from Nora in Iowa, who was so very kind to my Dad, that he adopted her as his American daughter; and from Aafke, who appreciated that my Dad, during World War II, was involved in the liberation of Holland. Also she commented on their shared love of bird stamps and how much he loved her Internet birthday cards, which he truly did!
I think I took a few of my older relatives off guard, when it started to dawn on them, that Dad was using his computer up to his 94th birthday (and loved that final birthday card the best, Aafke!) and that he had birding friends around the world and could visit them from his hospital bed! I was so proud of my Dad and so proud of all of you, for not ignoring an old man, but making him feel like royalty!
So thank you and may we continue to be reminded that the Internet is for people of all ages and that we should encourage its use by every one of them. Every human being should have the privilege -- NO, THE RIGHT -- to contact everyone and anyone around the world, in Peace, Harmony and in the Love and Protection of Nature!
You are the Very Best! Thank you!
anneintoronto (Toronto, ON Canada)
Bobbie Ireland
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Re: Fred Vickers, anneintoronto's father, who died in December 2009
Reply #1 on:
01-Aug-10, 07:20:42 AM »
Anne, what a lovely tribute to your Dad! And after your own
annus horribilus
, it was particularly poignant. Good for him, still "googling" at 94! With my own lovely Dad about to hit 92, I share your thoughts. May your Dad, and the others you so recently lost, rest in peace.
Re: Fred Vickers, anneintoronto's father, who died in December 2009
Reply #2 on:
01-Aug-10, 07:29:28 AM »
Thanks, Bobbie! Please pass my best wishes on to your Dad!
And stop cleaning, for heaven's sake, and get dressed!
Best wishes,
Anne C. (Toronto, ON Canada)
Bobbie Ireland
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Re: Fred Vickers, anneintoronto's father, who died in December 2009
Reply #3 on:
01-Aug-10, 07:36:37 AM »
HAHA, Anne! I am dressed. But I have not even begun to clean! (Sooooo much of a job-well-done is in the planning, right?!)
Thanks for those wishes to my Dad... a willing Birding Buddy til his poor old knees called "TIME".
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Re: Fred Vickers, anneintoronto's father, who died in December 2009
Reply #4 on:
01-Aug-10, 10:01:22 AM »
Hi AnneC!!
I love to read your message! What a great tribute!
I`m trying to introduce my mother to the internet, and will use your experience... Till now she is refusing even to acccept a computer... But I won`t give up! She is 84 years old
A big hug from a cold Sunday morning in Patagonia
Bobbie Ireland
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Re: Fred Vickers, anneintoronto's father, who died in December 2009
Reply #5 on:
01-Aug-10, 10:26:26 AM »
Quote from: Mirta on 01-Aug-10, 10:01:22 AM
Hi AnneC!!
I love to read your message! What a great tribute!
I`m trying to introduce my mother to the internet, and will use your experience... Till now she is refusing even to acccept a computer... But I won`t give up! She is 84 years old
A big hug from a cold Sunday morning in Patagonia
Oh my goodness, Mirta! PATAGONIA??? Imagine!
How did you find the forum?
Has anyone (Shaky?) ever got a map of the world and stuck in a pin for each of the Forum posters? That would be fun - but I predict straight away that Mirta would win the Faraway Prize! (...just as Donna wins the Queen of the Forum Prize!
Good luck with getting your Mom to appreciate the wonders of the web... once she gets started, you may have to restrict her online-time - haha!
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: Fred Vickers, anneintoronto's father, who died in December 2009
Reply #6 on:
01-Aug-10, 10:39:39 AM »
Oh my goodness, Mirta! PATAGONIA??? Imagine! How did you find the forum?
Mirta's been with us for a long time Bobbie. You need to catch up.
Shaky has a map some where with most of our locations pinned on it. ??? Maybe on KFC? Oh I found it here:
We may have to add to it, if it can be done.
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Re: Fred Vickers, anneintoronto's father, who died in December 2009
Reply #7 on:
01-Aug-10, 11:41:26 AM »
Quote from: Donna on 01-Aug-10, 10:39:39 AM
Oh my goodness, Mirta! PATAGONIA??? Imagine! How did you find the forum?
Mirta's been with us for a long time Bobbie. You need to catch up.
Shaky has a map some where with most of our locations pinned on it. ??? Maybe on KFC? Oh I found it here:
We may have to add to it, if it can be done.
I discovered the kfcam and forum in 2005, when I was doing a search of PF pictures. It was the year when my daughter moved to La Plata city (close to Buenos Aires) to start her studies on Geophysics. And now she is ending her thesis to graduate!! It seems it was yesterday when I sent my first message one lurkers day...
I believe in the yahoo forum there were members from Australia, so I can only be a princess, at most!!
Carol P.
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Re: Fred Vickers, anneintoronto's father, who died in December 2009
Reply #8 on:
01-Aug-10, 06:09:15 PM »
I truly miss your dad's contributions to this board. He was a wonderful and caring person. Thank you for sharing him with us.
Quote from: anneintoronto on 01-Aug-10, 06:03:28 AM
For the Folk of this Forum,
Although my Dad, Fred Vickers, died 'way back in December, we weren't able to bury him until yesterday, due to extended family logistics,. We had fine weather, good family & friends and, through the Ethernet, many of you, who were so kind to my Dad, as the oldest member of this group. So, when I was thinking of what I would like to say about my Dad at the graveside service, it dawned on me, that all you folk should be included. So I told those present about rfalconcam and what all of you, Mariah & Kaver and all their offspring, did to add joy to my father's life and specifically read a note from Nora in Iowa, who was so very kind to my Dad, that he adopted her as his American daughter; and from Aafke, who appreciated that my Dad, during World War II, was involved in the liberation of Holland. Also she commented on their shared love of bird stamps and how much he loved her Internet birthday cards, which he truly did!
I think I took a few of my older relatives off guard, when it started to dawn on them, that Dad was using his computer up to his 94th birthday (and loved that final birthday card the best, Aafke!) and that he had birding friends around the world and could visit them from his hospital bed! I was so proud of my Dad and so proud of all of you, for not ignoring an old man, but making him feel like royalty!
So thank you and may we continue to be reminded that the Internet is for people of all ages and that we should encourage its use by every one of them. Every human being should have the privilege -- NO, THE RIGHT -- to contact everyone and anyone around the world, in Peace, Harmony and in the Love and Protection of Nature!
You are the Very Best! Thank you!
anneintoronto (Toronto, ON Canada)
Peregrines know no borders.....
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Re: Fred Vickers, anneintoronto's father, who died in December 2009
Reply #9 on:
01-Aug-10, 07:26:34 PM »
I like to think, Anne, that your dad is flying with the birds he has loved. What a beautiful tribute for a dear man.
The internet is a wonderful place to meet regardless of age or limitations. There is a commonality of interests and caring.
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened"
Anatole France
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Re: Fred Vickers, anneintoronto's father, who died in December 2009
Reply #10 on:
01-Aug-10, 10:14:15 PM »
Very well said Jeanne!
I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
-John Burroughs
Re: Fred Vickers, anneintoronto's father, who died in December 2009
Reply #11 on:
03-Aug-10, 02:21:39 AM »
Quote from: jeanne on 01-Aug-10, 07:26:34 PM
The internet is a wonderful place to meet regardless of age or limitations. There is a commonality of interests and caring.
Well said, Jeanne! If only we could persuade everyone that that is so! My father-in-law (80) caught on about 10 years ago, but has constant problems -- fortunately, he has many bright grandkids, so they sort him out. My mother-in-law (82) ran every time we mentioned the word "computer" and almost stopped using her new washing machine, when Kevin told her that it had a small computer in it, making it work!! But, out of the blue, this year, she decided she wanted a computer to play her games and look at family photos! Could have bowled me over! I'm so glad that Kevin lived to see the day!! He was so very pleased! Now we have to get her sending and receiving emails and we'll all be content! My Mom never did cotton on to the computer, but liked to get my daily morning emails and made Dad write to me, if she had something to say before our evening phone call... I had to take that as the most progress we'd make. I should have pushed when she was younger, but that's in the past now...
I guess it won't be all too long now, when the world is almost totally populated by computer literate people. After all, the kids are the up and coming force, and someday it will seem hard to believe that everyone isn't born with a computer in their mouth!!
So, those out there that know someone who should be reading and contributing to the World Wide Web, please do your bit to drag them kicking and screaming into the 21st century! You'll be doing them a huge favour!!
*Big Smile*
Anne C. (Toronto, ON Canada, eh!)
Just as an aside: Kevin had OCD (ie was a hoarder...) and after he died, my brother, John, started to dig and found numerous computers and their counterparts and gave them to a computer museum where he volunteers. If the computers et al aren't needed there (although there were Atari 400s in the mix!), the computers are repaired and are given to students who can't afford one. The best one we found was fixed up, a printer/scanner, wireless mouse and speakers were added (all from Kevin's stash) and a young woman heading to university, after a very hard family life, was selected to receive it. and John had the privilege to hand it over her. We were so very pleased!! So remember, folks, don't throw old computers etc. in the garbage -- what is no good for you may make a difference in a young person's life!!
Re: Fred Vickers, anneintoronto's father, who died in December 2009
Reply #12 on:
03-Aug-10, 02:36:25 AM »
Quote from: Carol P. on 01-Aug-10, 06:09:15 PM
Anne -- I truly miss your dad's contributions to this board. He was a wonderful and caring person. Thank you for sharing him with us.
Your are very welcome, Carol! I was so proud to share him!! *grin*
I was so pleased when he caught on to what was happening at the Kodak Tower! When he did, there was no stopping him. He was astounded that the site existed, totally impressed by the kindness, cleverness and the willingness to share, that he saw from the members. It renewed his faith in human beings and he was thrilled when Aafke, as one of the moderators, told him that he could join! I'll never forget the 5 emails, 1 call at work and 2 calls at home that day! You'd have thought that he'd won a million dollars -- and perhaps he did, just in different currency!!
Anne C. (Toronto, ON Canada, eh!)
Last Edit: 03-Aug-10, 09:13:32 AM by Shaky
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Re: Fred Vickers, anneintoronto's father, who died in December 2009
Reply #13 on:
03-Aug-10, 08:26:27 AM »
Anne, what a wonderful tribute to your Dad!! I lost my Dad about a year and a half ago and we shared a love of all nature, but birds in particular! Don and I started taking photos of birds and I made nature/bird albums for him. We still take pics of birds and nature...now if I could just figure out how to send them to him. Thank you for sharing your and your Dad's experiences
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Re: Fred Vickers, anneintoronto's father, who died in December 2009
Reply #14 on:
03-Aug-10, 10:46:18 AM »
These wonderful dads have instilled such a love for nature! Bless their hearts! And Kevin must be in that young woman's thoughts every time she is on the computer! What a wonderful outcome to hoarding (as a hoarder myself, it makes me see the positive)!
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened"
Anatole France
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