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Author Topic: Cyprus joins Malta  (Read 2629 times)
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Bobbie Ireland
I'm Not Addicted

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« on: 30-Sep-10, 06:28:18 AM »

This is a quote from the website 10,000 Birds (

'Why are millions of birds still being illegally killed in Cyprus? If a comment piece in today’s Cyprus Mail is an accurate reflection of how the local population thinks, it’s because politicians are afraid implementing (appropriate) fines would cost them votes, and because jailing poachers “would be too harsh a penalty, even though it seems to be the only way to stop the poaching”. And in a nutshell there’s the problem: illegal activities won’t be punished because politicians are spineless, and - anyway - killing birds is hardly worth a proper punishment is it? Sad, really sad…'

It led me to the piece mentioned in the Cyprus Mail. Politicians? Stand up and be counted? Uhhh... no.

And once you have read the piece, google the Blackcap... After you've seen one, you will wonder...
I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #1 on: 30-Sep-10, 06:46:51 AM »

So sad for these pretty little birds. I swear, people have no  heart  crying

Thanks Bobbie, I'm afraid this will never end.

I read from your link that an anti-poaching OFFICER had 80 of these in his freezer:

Ambelopoulia is a controversial dish of pickled or boiled songbirds served in some Cypriot restaurants. It is illegal in Cyprus as it involves trapping wild birds such as Blackcaps and European Robins.[1]  Trapping kills birds indiscriminately, thus internationally protected species of migratory birds are killed as well. Enforcement of the ban has been lax, so many restaurants still serve the dish without consequence. As a result over a quarter million birds are estimated to have been killed during the spring 2010 season. (OMG)!!

Bird Crazy

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« Reply #2 on: 30-Sep-10, 07:10:34 AM »

Bobbie Ireland
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« Reply #3 on: 30-Sep-10, 07:22:39 AM »

Yeah, Donna - go figure. I seethe with rage every time this topic comes up... and the only way to hurt them is in the purse. I have said already that I have walked out of Spanish restaurants that sell "pajaritos" or "little birds", having made sure they know why! And when I was first in Cyprus - pre-birding days for me - I wondered what all these big nets were. It as only later that the penny dropped with a sickening thud. Believe me, tho, you do not want to tangle with any of these trapper/shooter guys. A European wide effort is needed, and already many bird groups and others are raising the cry of protest. Good luck to them... please support them if you can.
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« Reply #4 on: 30-Sep-10, 08:23:51 AM »

 Shocked   A quarter million birds!!!  These people are insane!  Cry

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