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Author Topic: Egyptian geese make golf course home TX  (Read 2099 times)
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I'm Falcon Crazy

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« on: 30-Jan-11, 07:47:05 AM »

Since December, Sharon Sander has been spying on a family of eight Egyptian geese at Brackenridge Park Golf Course.

The two parents and six goslings are a long way from their native Africa.

Sander, who discovered the family while walking to a fitness class, had a birder help her identify the geese.

“They are really beautiful,” she said. “They are bigger than mallards and have a weird call.”

The golf course is near the San Antonio Zoo, and Sander said the geese might have escaped from there or from someone who owned them as pets.

Lynn Cuny, founder of Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation in Kendalia, said the center has rescued several Egyptian geese.

“A lot of people keep them as pets because they are so unusual-looking,” Cuny said. “But city life for a bird of that size can be kind of tricky.”

Still, Cuny said they can survive.

“The geese need food, water and safety,” Cuny said. “With cars, dogs and kids with BB guns, that can be hard. However, if the geese do find a safe environment with family members nearby, the geese will tend to stay put.”

The San Antonio River flows through the Brackenridge golf course, so the geese have access to water.

Plus, Sander walks through the course every other day or so to make sure the geese are doing fine.

“I've been watching them since the babies were just little fuzz balls,” Sander said. “The other day I even got the dad to eat food out my hand. A little organic bread every now and then can't hurt them.”

When the geese don't have Sander to protect them, they have a possessive mother on the case.

“The mom is pretty fierce,” Sander said. “The other day a hawk swooped down and tried to get them, but they all started making noise and were able to scare it off.”

Love these!


« Reply #1 on: 31-Jan-11, 05:09:00 AM »

You do love those e-geese, Donna!
I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #2 on: 31-Jan-11, 06:33:07 AM »

You do love those e-geese, Donna!

 Wink I do!

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