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Author Topic: Peregrine Falcon Harvest update  (Read 4908 times)
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« on: 15-Dec-09, 12:10:38 PM »

US Peregrine harvest update: December 2009

Please pass this item along to others,
As of date, there is now a total 12 US states that will now be allowing a harvest of migrant peregrines and more are expected to open up a harvest in 2010 - 2011. So far, there is no official word or replies to our letters as to the fate of any Canadian banded peregrines that are harvested if they will be kept or be released.
Updates will be posted in an up and coming new section of the CPF web site as soon as their responses are received from the various US state wildlife authorities that have been contacted.
CPF Postmaster
The Canadian Peregrine Foundation

News Release
FWC approves rule to allow peregrine falcons for falconry in Florida

December 9, 2009
Contact: Patricia Behnke, 850-251-2130

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) approved a rule allowing falconers to take peregrine falcons for the sport of falconry at its meeting in Clewiston on Wednesday.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service determines the number of falcons that may be taken over a broad range of states. It is estimated fewer than five falcons will be allocated to Florida in 2010. Under the new rule, falconers must receive a permit for the take of peregrine falcons for falconry. The FWC will randomly select applications and issue permits annually based on the number allotted to the state. Priority for receiving a permit will be given to Florida residents.

Peregrine populations plummeted because of the use of DDT since the 1940s in the United States. After DDT use was restricted in the 1970s, populations significantly increased. The USFWS took the peregrine off the endangered species list in 1999, and the FWC delisted the peregrine falcon in June 2009, making it one of conservation's greatest success stories. Today, scientists estimate there are at least 3,100 breeding pairs in the United States.

"This is a historic moment for falconers, and we strongly approve staff's recommendation," said Eric Edwards of the Florida Falconers Association and North American Falconers Association. "It has been a privilege working with FWC staff through this process."

The peregrine is a highly valued bird by falconers for its nearly 200-mph dives for prey. Falcons have been used by people for hunting for more than 1,000 years.

"Falconers contributed to the successful conservation of the peregrine by providing birds for captive breeding so peregrines could be reintroduced," said Robin Boughton, the FWC's avian coordinator. "Many falconers will now have the opportunity to again use the birds in the sport of falconry."

Seven speakers, including members of groups such as the Florida Falconry Association, North American Falconers Association, Audubon of Florida and Defenders of Wildlife, spoke at the meeting.

"Audubon views the peregrine as an iconic species, and we have concerns regarding lack of monitoring in Florida to help ensure no future decline in this species," said Julie Wraithmell of Audubon of Florida. "We hope the Commission will help promote conservation of the species by funding monitoring projects."

The FWC met with stakeholders, including falconers and conservation groups, as the agency developed a management plan for the peregrine, which was approved in June. Staff continued working with stakeholders through the process of creating the rule to allow harvest of the peregrine for falconry.

Peregrines migrate as much as 18,000 miles per year, and on average, 1,790 peregrines migrate through the Florida Keys in the fall as they move between northern breeding grounds and wintering areas in Central and South America. Some peregrines stay the entire winter in the state, but they do not breed in Florida. They can be spotted in the fall and winter over open terrain, particularly near coastal shorelines and wetlands.
I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #1 on: 15-Dec-09, 12:35:51 PM »

THIS IS NOT GOOD!!!!!!! crying

Bird Crazy

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« Reply #2 on: 15-Dec-09, 06:18:20 PM »

I thought they were not allowed to take birds with bands?
« Reply #3 on: 15-Dec-09, 06:30:47 PM »

We believe that to be true but are waiting to hear back and continue to attempt to make contact.
I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #4 on: 15-Dec-09, 06:38:12 PM »

We believe that to be true but are waiting to hear back and continue to attempt to make contact.

Do they have to tell you if they are banded? If they are, then "Shame on them".

« Reply #5 on: 16-Dec-09, 04:08:52 AM »

Of course we or any  state wildlife authority would like to know about bands recorded,but the idea is that if any banded bird is captured,it would immediately be set free.

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« Reply #6 on: 17-Dec-09, 12:58:50 PM »

I felt that when I wrote to FL Fish & Wildlife earlier this year (they'd asked for comments about a future falcon 'harvest'), that their minds were already made up to allow this event.

How can we continue to put pressure on these states which trap peregrines so that they return banded birds, at the very least?

« Reply #7 on: 17-Dec-09, 01:49:29 PM »

I felt that when I wrote to FL Fish & Wildlife earlier this year (they'd asked for comments about a future falcon 'harvest'), that their minds were already made up to allow this event.

How can we continue to put pressure on these states which trap peregrines so that they return banded birds, at the very least?

Ultimately, those of us who are registered to vote in our specific states can put pressure on the Governor (the one who appoints the heads of the state agencies) and if we don't get satisfaction from the Governor, vote them out.  In Florida, that would be Charlie Crist.  Elections for Governor range from 4-6 years, depending on the state and states like Virginia with a one term limit will turn over the Governor anyway.  In short, options are limited.   frustrated bang head tickedoff
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