rfalconcam - Imprints


The Journal of Rfalconcam

So, What’s Been Happening This Summer?

There hasn’t been much to report, but here’s a quick summary of what’s been happening this summer . Although there were no young fledglings to watch, the Rochester Falcon Watchers have been busy keeping an eye on the two nest sites here in Rochester, NY. Beauty remains in the downtown area, and is seen frequently on camera at the nest box on the Times Square building. Unity is seen almost daily at Kodak Park. Currently, Archer seems to prefer the company of Beauty and the downtown area, but is seen periodically with Unity. The Watchers will continue to report their sightings.

The Rochester Falcon Legacy continues to grow. Three of Mariah & Kaver’s daughters successfully nested in Ontario, Canada.

Rhea Mae (2006) & Tiago at the Sheraton, Downtown Toronto. There were four successful fledges this year. Sunshine (female) was first to fledge and she did extremely well. It wasn’t long before she was chasing Rhea Mae and Tiago around the high rise buildings that surround the Toronto Sheraton. The Canadian Peregrine Foundation (CPF) volunteers were quite amazed by her flight skills. Next came William (male), Kate (female) and Cinnamon (male) . Sadly William and Kate did not make it. But, Sunshine and Cinnamon are still seen on camera now and then.

Linn (2007) & Reuben at the Scarborough/Yellow Pages nest site successfully raised three eyases named Rhiannon (female), Jet (male) and Striker (male). All fledged successfully. Many reports and pictures have come in showing how well these three have been doing.

Quest (2008) & Kendal at the Toronto/Don Mills nest site. Happily Quest has finally settled down from her wanderings. She and Kendal chose the building across from Harlequin Romance headquarters. The folks at Harlequin took the young Peregrine couple into their hearts. They contacted Mark Nash of the Canadian Peregrine Foundation when they first arrived. Mark and the CPF folks quickly sprang into action and a new nest tray was installed. Quest seemed quite familiar with the nest tray, and laid one egg, after losing her first egg on the ledge. Harlequin set-up a camera and pointed it at the nest tray. Falcon fans around the world witnessed the young eyas named Harlequin aka Harlie, break out of her shell and grow into a beautiful fledgling. Quest, Kendal and Harlequin continue to visit the nest tray.

We are very thankful to Mark Nash and all the folks from CPF who take such good care of our girls. We applaud their efforts and special thanks to the volunteer Watchers who put in so many hours watching the young fledglings take their first flights. Also, thanks to the Harlequin folks who made Quest, Kendal and Harlequin a part of their family. Thank you all.

One more thing. Yes, Quest still has her transmitter. We’re not quite sure how much longer it will remain on her. I do believe her transmitter readings are still being received, but of course they are currently all from the same area.

10 Responses to “So, What’s Been Happening This Summer?”

  1. Carol P. Says:

    Thanks for the update!

  2. Donna Says:

    It’s been one amazing Season for sure. Some bad but most good! May all the fledglings be safe on their own journey’s. Hoping for some little ones next Spring. Would love to know where little Harlie ventures off to. 🙂 Oh and Cinnamon, the little falcon that we thought couldn’t…well he could an did. Falcons are just amazing! Thank you Mark Nash and staff for a great job!

  3. Ginny Says:

    An amazing season indeed. I love these falcons and it has been incredible and a real treat to watch this legacy continue to unfold.
    Looking forward to next year’s adventures!
    Thank you! 🙂

  4. Shaky Says:

    Donna reported earlier that she couldn’t comment on Imprints. It was asking her for a username and password. If this happens to you, do not enter anything. Send me an email instead.

    shaky at shakymon dot com

  5. Shaky Says:

    Just seeing if I can leave a comment.

  6. Shaky Says:

    Commenting appears to be working. Just remember to fill in the Name and Mail fields if they are blank. (They should be filled in the next time you leave a comment.)

  7. FS Says:

    So where is Mariah?

  8. ei Says:

    @FS-Mariah hasn’t been positively identified since the fall of 2009.

  9. ei Says:

    Oh, and Rhea Mae & Tiago’s offspring Stormin’ (2009) took over as step-father at the Canada Square building with 3 eyases after the original tiercel, Irving, was killed. So we’ll see if he stays as the resident tiercel next year with eyases of his own!

  10. Ceridwen Says:

    I am really sorry that this site does not appear to be active anymore.1 eyas in downtown Rochester,

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