Now Available! The New 2012 Calendar “The Rochester Falcons in Toronto”!
The 2012 Rochester Falcons in Toronto calendar is now for sale.
We have had the unique and wonderful experience of following our eyases: Rhea Mae (2006), Linn (2007), and Quest (2008), mature into adulthood and raise fledglings of their own. This calendar features pictures of them as eyases and fledglings in Rochester and as adults, along with their families, in Canada. Many thanks to our friends at the Canadian Peregrine Foundation for helping us share this experience.
The Merchandising team hopes you enjoy this calendar as much as we do, and we believe there is still plenty of time to order these as gifts to support rfalconcam.
Also, be sure to check out our other items for sale, including three ornaments that go right along with our “The Rochester Falcons in Toronto” calendar. Check out the new 2011 ornaments for Rhea Mae, Linn and Quest. Just beautiful! Who wouldn’t want these three lovely ladies gracing their Christmas Tree or hanging somewhere to just be admired! There are other ornaments too including Archer, Beauty, Callidora, Jemison & Mariah & Kaver to add to your collection.
We also have a new 2012 Wildlife Calendar which includes many beautiful pictures taken by fellow Rochester Falcon Fans.
Please feel free to browse thorough our Rochester Falconcam merchandise from the comfort of your home.
Seasons Greetings to all our Rochester Falcon Fans around the world.