The Eyas Naming Polls are Open
It’s time to vote for your favorite names for one of Beauty and’s Eyases!
The polls are open! From the many excellent suggestions that were received, Rfalconcam’s Naming Committee selected 10 names in each of the three categories: male, female, and gender-neutral. Thank you to everyone who submitted names.
Three polls have been created for members of the Rfalconcam Forum to vote for their favorite in each category. One of the three eyases will be given the winning name from either the appropriate gender-specific poll or the gender-neutral poll, depending on which winning name receives the most votes.
You must be a member of the forum to be able to vote for a name. Join the forum now if you’d like to participate! Use this link to register:
A questionnaire will be sent to the email address you supply during registration. You must reply to this email in order to have your membership approved.
If you are already a Forum member but don’t remember your password, use this link to reset it:
Once you have logged in to the Forum, use these links to vote:
Male Names:
Female Names:
Gender-Neutral Names:
The polls close at 11:59 pm EDT on Wednesday, May 23, 2018.