rfalconcam - Imprints


The Journal of Rfalconcam

Scheduled Maintenance at the Times Square & Powers Bldgs

In April both the Times Square Building and the Powers Building are going to have construction work done. The Times Square Bldg will start on or around April 15th on the front of the building. They will be putting mortar around some of the stones to keep them in place. It will take them one day to finish the work on the front of the building. The workmen will then move to the back of the Time Square Building. 

The Powers Building is going to have air conditioning units replaced four floors down from the nest box. This is going to require cranes but, shouldn’t take more than a few days. 

We have faith that the new pair of falcons will have bonded to the nest box at the Times Square Building enough that they will tolerate this intrusion.

June Summers, President, Genesee Valley Audubon

One Response to “Scheduled Maintenance at the Times Square & Powers Bldgs”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Thank-you for the heads-up, June.
    I am confident that the falcons will stay at TSB as it is prime real estate for peregrines (UF glomed onto it as soon as she saw that there was an opening for resident falcon) and they have not seemed terribly bothered by the current on-going construction noise and machinery.

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