Banding Day 6/21/22

Today was a special day for our young eyases. It was Banding Day!
At 10 am this morning, the folks from the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) arrived in the lobby of the Times Square Bldg, along with members of the Rfalconcam Team. Many of the Rochester Falcon Watchers were outside to witness how Nova and Neander would react to their babies being taken from the nest box. We got our answer, they immediately started alarm kakking and diving on the DEC extraction team.
The eyases were quickly brought into the building where they were banded.
Now let’s introduce our 2022 Rochester Falcon eyases.

Blaze, our only male, was named in honor of Rochester Firefighters Neal Ludwig and John Mauer, Rochester Fire Department, Truck 10. It was because of them that we found out what happened to They gave us closure and we thank them for that!
Bands: Silver USFW Band has no tape, NYS Band 33 Black over BA Green.

Zara, a female, was named by longtime Rochester/Buffalo Falcon Watcher, Carol Lukaszewski, aka Lukka, from Tonawanda, NY.
Zara was chosen as Rochester is known as the Flower City. Zara has Arabic roots and is a variation of Zahrah, which means blooming flower and radiance.
Bands: Silver USFW Band covered with red tape tape, NYS Band 34 Black over BW Green.

Kanfai Malachim, another female. Pronounced: Con-fe mal-a-keem. Her name is the Hebrew phrase for Angel’s Wings. Named by Mrs. Rebecca Swanton’s 5th/6th Grade Class, Derech Hatorah School in Greece, NY.
The boys chose the name because in the Hebrew religion they believe Angels are messengers of God in physical form. By seeing nature physically, we can relate to God better. The birds are the messengers.
Bands: Silver USFW Band covered with blue tape, NYS Band 35 Black over BW Green.

This is the egg that never hatched. We thought it would be interesting to show you how big a Peregrine Falcon egg is. About the size of a chicken egg. The DEC collected the unhatched egg and a bag of leftovers from the nest box to take back with them.
Many thanks to the NYDEC for banding the Rochester eyases. We really appreciate that we will have a chance to follow their wanderings in the future. Who knows, we may see Blaze, Zara or Kanfai Malachim raise a family of their own someday!
Hope you enjoy this Banding Day YouTube Video sent in by Rochester Falcon Watcher Dana!
Presenting the 2022-06-21 Rfalconcam Banding Day Stream plus pics and vid from Auntiewood…
June 21st, 2022 at 8:22 PM
It’s funny how Blaze looks so tiny on the web cam compared to his sisters but when you see him next to human hands he’s actually a good, healthy size. Great names, I love them all.
June 21st, 2022 at 9:04 PM
June 21st, 2022 at 9:13 PM
@KATIE I hear that her friends call her Connie.
June 21st, 2022 at 9:15 PM
Great names chosen for the eyases! Love them all!
June 21st, 2022 at 9:40 PM
June 21st, 2022 at 10:25 PM
Great coverage on the Disqus forum, one could follow along while being “serenaded” by the frantic parents in alarm mode.
I am also glad we got closure on DC, but I am still wondering what had befallen Beauty, that she just keeled over. Did anyone mention it?
June 22nd, 2022 at 6:57 AM
I spoke with a DEC biologist after the banding. A preliminary report ruled out avian flu. The cause of death was related to egg laying, but Beauty was not egg bound.
June 22nd, 2022 at 7:21 AM
Thank-you, Shaky. I will go back to thinking she died from a broken heart, gazing at her former nesting place where she raised so many broods with her lost partner.
July 1st, 2022 at 3:51 PM
A great pictorial Thank You!