rfalconcam - Imprints


The Journal of Rfalconcam

Offspring Update: Freedom and Rhea Mae

Courtesy of Rochester Falconcam team member Carol Phillips comes this dispatch from Doug, one of Freedom’s “caretakers” at his nest site in Port Colborne, Ontario Canada:

I just thought you would like to know that Freedom & his new mate [Millie] have 2 eggs in the scrape! They were laid on the 7th & 9th as best we can tell. We have our fingers crossed that they will in fact be viable. Mom & Dad are tending nicely to the eggs…..Doug

You may recall that we recently reported the news of a new mate for Freedom. It is unusual, though not impossible, for a first year female to lay viable eggs, so we’ll be eagerly awaiting further news from the Port Colborne nest site.

Meanwhile, Linda Woods of the Canadian Peregrine Foundation sends this fantastic image of Rhea Mae as she settles down to brood her four eggs.
Rhea Mae settles on her 4 eggs

Thanks to Carol, Linda and Doug for the updates!


8 Responses to “Offspring Update: Freedom and Rhea Mae”

  1. Donna Says:

    What a great picture! Keep em coming.

    Isn’t she beautiful?

  2. Debbie V. Says:

    I agree. Great shot. She is very beautiful, just like her mom. Too bad we can’t see her nest box as good as her moms.

  3. Terri Says:

    I just want to commend and thank you and everyone else who contributes to Imprints at this website and to those who make the falcon pictures possible for us to view. I have been following Mariah and Kaver for a number of years now. I live in Rochester and favour our beloved falcons, but have also been to a number of other websites with camera’s on falcons, eagles, owls, loons, etc. This website and the views through the camera’s set up on Kodak’s tower, are far superior to any I have ever seen. You always keep us informed and up to date. As a Rochesterian, I feel grateful to have such dedicated people, so thanks to all. -Terri

  4. Jean Says:

    What an incredible picture of Miss Rhea Mae! Thanks for posting it!!

  5. Carol in WA state Says:

    What gorgeous birds these are! Many thanks to all who work to share these pics with us!

  6. Kathy Villone Says:


  7. Denise Says:

    That’s one of the most extraordinary bird pictures I’ve ever seen.

  8. Allie Kulow Says:

    This is my first year following the Falcons and want to say THANK YOU to all who are involved with the cameras and Imprints. It is wonderful and educational.

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