rfalconcam - Imprints


The Journal of Rfalconcam

Early Morning Arrival of Egg #3! 3/25/25

Three Shades of Peregrine Falcon Egg Colors!

Then there were three!

Very early this morning, when most of us were sleeping, Nova laid her and Neander’s 3rd egg at 4:32 am.

3rd egg arrived at 4:32 am.

It wasn’t too long before Neander came in for his first look.

Neander Checks Out His New Egg!
Neander and Nova and Their Three Eggs!

At 6:46 am, Neander brought in breakfast for Nova. She accepted his food offering and left with it while he entered the nest box to guard his eggs.

Neander Brings Breakfast for Nova!

So, will Nova lay a 4th egg?

Nova has been averaging approximately 63 hrs between eggs. If she lays a 4th egg, it should arrive Thursday evening around 7:32 pm, give or take.

Many thanks to Rochester Falcon Team member Dana for making a YouTube video from our streaming video of the arrival of the 3rd egg and early morning activities!

EGGWATCH #4 begins! Keep watching!


2 Responses to “Early Morning Arrival of Egg #3! 3/25/25”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    I also thank the Rochester Falcon Team member (regular visitors know exactly who this artist is) for the well-crafted summary of the first hours of the egg’s existence in the scrape.

  2. Alison in Indiana Says:

    I also thank the Rochester Falcon Team member (regular visitors know exactly who this artist is:) for the well-crafted summary of the first hours of the egg’s existence in the scrape.

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