rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 4-19-11

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

Hello everyone!

I checked the cameras before I left home this morning to see that Archer was on the eggs. The first half hour of my watch I got skunked! After a quick trip around the east side behind Bausch and Lomb,HSBC and Xerox I drove back to the Broad St. bridge. I parked at the east end north side where I could see the Frontier Communications tower the best and sure enough there was a dark figure on the top arm of the FCT. I drove over to city hall to get a closer look and ID it. There she was… the Beautyful one!


I stayed with her there up close and personal for awhile and then I went back to the bridge and watched from afar. She flew off the FCT when I wasn’t looking and I next saw her fly in front of the nestbox and over to the base of Mercury. Archer flew out hot on her trail landing first on the opposite side of the base from her and then up to heel of Mercury. They weren’t there for more than a minute or two when Beauty took off flying in my direction over the river, the Convention Center,South Ave. garage,Midtown and back to the west side(the side facing the nestbox at Times Square) of the Bausch and Lomb building. She appeared to have a small morsel of food with her which I think she had while on Mercury as well. She flew from near the south end of the west side of B&L to the northwest corner.


I lost track of Archer while following Beauty and I assumed he went back to sit on the eggs. Donna confirmed that he had indeed returned to the nestbox to resume his brooding duties. It was time to end my watch and leave them to it! 🙂


2 Responses to “Morning watch 4-19-11”

  1. Donna Says:

    Wow, he is just one little brooder that Archer. Thanks MAK, they were quick this am.

  2. MAK Says:

    Donna, seems like everything they do is quick! Alot can happen and be missed in just a second. I think Archer is trying to make up for lost time (over at KP)! 🙂

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