rfalconcam - Imprints


The Journal of Rfalconcam

A Successful Fledge by All Three Young Peregrines! 7/25/13

For the last couple weeks, the Rochester Falcon Watchers have spent many hours on the streets below the nest box on top of the Times Square Bldg. Why were they there? To keep an eye on the three young eyases who spread their wings and took their first flights. We are happy to report that all three fledged successfully!

They are now flying high above downtown Rochester, NY. It will be awhile before they go out on their own. There are many skills they will learn from their parents Beauty and Dot.ca during the next few weeks.

Baron, Rosetta and Voyager are learning what they need to know to become successful Peregrine Falcons in the future.

To read about their adventures, be sure to check out the Falcon Watch Blog.

Many thanks to the dedicated group of Rochester Falcon Watchers. You are all so much appreciated. We would also like to thank the many falcon fans from around the world who watched the cams and tweeted out what they were seeing to the local Watchers. Your help was invaluable. Thank you all!

One Response to “A Successful Fledge by All Three Young Peregrines! 7/25/13”

  1. Maureen in MA Says:

    A very exciting season – thank you!! 😀

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