rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Jim P – Monday, July 14 7:30-8:30AM

It was another one-of-a-kind morning to witness flying up close from all five fledglings! I hope you’ll enjoy the pictures and report that I’ve assembled:



7 Responses to “Jim P – Monday, July 14 7:30-8:30AM”

  1. Diane H. Says:

    Wow Jim! That’s all I can think of is Wow, how lucky to be able to see these beautiful birds up close in flight, and posing for pictures. I think Little Susie knows what she is doing, and purposely poses for the camera! Is it my imagination or is Quest bigger than Mariah? Her wing span is huge!! At any rate they are all so beautiful. Someday, I will make it out there to see them in person.
    Great job and thank you so much for sharing your wonderful talent.

    Diane from California

  2. Marcia Lyman Says:

    Jim – terrific shots! What a beautiful morning.

    Marcia L.

  3. Kathy V Says:

    Oh my, those are some awesome pictures, to be sure, thanks. They are terrific fliers.

  4. Gail in Cincinnati Says:

    These are terrific shots of all the juvies! I’m determined to make it to Rochester next year to see the falcons in action. In the meantime, I’m enjoying your excellent coverage of this years fledglings!

  5. Maureen in MA Says:

    I’m with Diane H… all I can think of is ‘Wow’ too. Your shots are always so awe inspiring. I too thank you for sharing with us, and giving us the feeling that we are there with you. Wow indeed.

  6. Linda in Florida Says:

    Thanks for giving us all the great pictures, really enjoy looking at them.

  7. June Kogut Says:

    I keep repeating myself. but you keep getting better and better pictures. Amazing, wonderful, awesome. WOW !!! That’s for the flying falcons AND for your pictures. Thank you for sharing your time and your talent with all of us in far flung places.

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