rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Fledge watch 7-14-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

This morning I had the pleasure of fledge watching with Dan,Donna,Bonnie,Ei,Paul,Ricardo,Dana,Carol,Lisa and Joyce. The juvies were mixing it up over by the Frontier Communications Tower (FCT),City Place and Widows Walk. As is the usual pattern of Beauty, she brings her new fledglings to FCT for some lessons so I will more than likely be watching from this area of downtown for the next few weeks.

The bunch of us went up to the top floor of the Sister Cities Ramp Garage to observe our young fledglings as they put on a great show above us talon tagging and playing  like juvies do. Our out of town guests started to leave for home around 9am and as it was getting very hot out the falcons hunkered down in the shade for a long rest period.

This afternoon I checked on Pigott around 4pm just like yesterday and found her at the front edge of the cubby once again with her back to me. At first she wasn’t moving at all and I got a little nervous but she finally started to preen and I think her tail feathers are looking better-less tattered at least from a perching position. I’d like to see her in flight to check her out better.

After a quiet afternoon I ended my watch over at FCT with 2 juvies on the platform railing. I’m happy to say that all 3 fledglings are continue to improve and stick together in the air. Watchers Weekend was a blast meeting people in person whom I’ve only known by their computer names up until now. All 6 Rochester Peregrine Falcons were seen today which should make us all smile!

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