rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Falcon Watch Summary from 8/23 – 29/2008

The Watchers that have reported during this time period are Carol P, Kathy O, Dana, Lou, Jeanne, Joyce, Larry O, & Brian H.

Still no reports of any juveniles, except for the wonderful news of Quest, but lots of Mariah and Kaver sightings.

The majority of the sightings have been on the First Federal Plaza (aka old Changing Scenes Restaurant) & Midtown Plaza.  Some other places M&K have been seen; Crossroads Building, Xerox and the Kodak Tower.  This week was the first time both Mariah and Kaver have been spotted on the Kodak Tower, on the railing in front of the ledge where their nest box used to sit.

Highlight:  When Mariah went after a Red-tail Hawk (RTH) over the Rochester Public Library.  I found the RTH sitting on a lower ledge of the library, trying to hide.  Just goes to show you that eventhough her young have more than likely left the area, she’s still very protective of her territory.

Carol P. 

4 Responses to “Falcon Watch Summary from 8/23 – 29/2008”

  1. Maureen in MA Says:

    Appreciate the update, Carol. 🙂

  2. Carla Says:

    I’m so thrilled that we have this blog and Quest’s blog to keep us updated.

    Does anyone know when Kaver will be flying south for the winter? When does he leave his Mariah all alone? Do we know where he goes? I bet he goes to Rio for some partying! 😉

  3. Kathy V Says:

    I hope M&K will find a new place for next year, one where they can raise another family. I can’t wait, but its a long time off. Has anything more been mentioned or decided about a new location?

  4. Nick montessori alumni Says:

    hi does anybody know what to do to see the multi view cam of the birds? mine is not loading well. thank you!

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