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Eyes to the Skies

Falcon Watch Summary From 9/6 – 9/12/08

Watch reports for this week were received from:  Carol P, Jeanne, Lisa McK, Kathy O, Joyce, Larry O, Dana, Jill, Dawn, Marcia L, Dan S & Shaky.  Thanks to all of you for sending me your reports.

It was business as usual for Mariah and Kaver this week.  They were seen on all their regular spots including the First Federal Building, Midtown Plaza, Xerox, Baush and Lomb, HSBC and Kaver even made a quick visit to the Kodak Tower and the High Falls Smoke Stack.

The most exciting report of the week came in from fellow Falcon Watcher Jill C. on 9/8/08 as follows:

“(2:20 pm) Just saw M & K flying over the HSBC building. They were playing a little tag and then one kept soaring higher and off to the East where I could no longer see them out my office window with my binocs.

Well, I take that back….I just saw (4PM) 3 falcons flying over/around HSBC and XEROX so I believe we had some territorial tag, not playing tag. One of the falcons was going after one of the others while the third was also flying nearby. One took off towards the East (out of downtown), the other towards the West (Kodak Tower direction) and the last is still sitting on top of the South side of the HSBC.”

So, it looks like we either had a migrant Peregrine Falcon passing through downtown Rochester, or possibly one of the juveniles returned and M&K escorted them out of the city.

No further reports of a 3rd Falcon were received after Jill’s report on the 9th.  All has been quiet.

Carol P.

6 Responses to “Falcon Watch Summary From 9/6 – 9/12/08”

  1. Alison in Austria Says:

    Thank-you Carol P. and Jill C. – it must be rewarding after all the hours of patient watching to have something exciting to report.

  2. Maureen in MA Says:

    I appreciate the report – thank you to all who contributed!

  3. Barbara Says:

    So nice to read about continued sightings. Wonder who the “mystery” falcon was?

    Thanks to all the watchers for keeping us in the loop.

    (Los Angeles)

  4. Rock Says:

    Hey there. I was walking downtown today around Kodak Tower. It looked like the nestbox has been moved. Is that the case and what locations are being considered? Has the box on Hawk Eye Works ever been used?

    Thanks as always!

  5. Ei Says:

    Rock-check out the Imprints section for the latest on the nestbox relocation project.

  6. Carol P. Says:

    Rock – As Ei posted, check out the newest Imprints post. Lots and of questions and answers about the nest box relocation. You are correct, the nest box has been removed from the Kodak Tower and no, the nestbox located on Hawkeye has never been used. I’ve only seen pigeons up there and someone reported seeing a Red-tail Hawk sitting on it once. 🙂 – Carol P.

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