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Eyes to the Skies

Morning Falcon Watch/ we have a pair in Brighton 2-10-16

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was overcast, breezy and light snow fell throughout the entire watch with a temperature of  29 (F)  -2 (C)

Fellow watcher and friend KathyO decided to go on watch with me today so she picked me up and we started at Seneca Towers. We waited on East Ridge Rd. hoping Billie and/or Seth would show up but they didn’t so we left for downtown. We found Beauty and Dot.ca (DC) on the top I-beam southeast side of OCSR near the south corner from the Broad St. bridge. They were facing each other with 2 windows separating them.


We elected to get closer by going down to Aqueduct St.in the hole but didn’t like the angle there so we then went over to the Radisson Hotel by Main St.

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They were taking turns preening and seemed quite settled so we left to check the Brighton site (BS). We found two PEFA’s there in the corner where the east extension meets the southeast extension. The smaller male was on the top window on the east extension and the female was directly below him on the 4th window down. Larry stopped by for a quick check right after we got there.



We wanted to confirm that the Beautyful one and DC were still on OCSR to rule out either one of them being at BS. The pair were both snoozing on and off so it was apparent that they were probably hunkered down for a while so when we didn’t hear any reports of Beauty and DC still on OCSR we left to return to downtown. Enroute, Donna and Pat tweeted that they were indeed still there. Thanks for your help ladies! We didn’t see if either bird had leg bands because they were crouched down the whole time so I’m assuming it was the unbanded female that has been seen there all winter with a possible mate.

On our way to the Medley Centre (MC) we stopped to check on our downtown pair.  Big Frankie was not seen at MC- she has been seen with a male there a few times so we assume she has a mate and that would make 4 pairs of Peregrine Falcons in Rochester. Holy growing PEFA population!!

Kathy and I ended our watch at Seneca Towers where we spotted Seth on the northwest corner below the railing with his back to us from East Ridge Rd. We went around to Seth Green Dr. to see if we could see him from the front but only his head was peeking up.


Kathy dropped me off, thus ending our watch at 11am after sharing many laughs, so I had more than our beloved falcons to make me smile today! 🙂

P.S. Thanks a whole big bunch for a fun watch Kathy!

Click on the link below to see today’s snippets


3 Responses to “Morning Falcon Watch/ we have a pair in Brighton 2-10-16”

  1. Braveheart2665 Says:

    MAK I may have missed this but is this BS pair in the the same location that Pigott was ? Hopefully everyone stays in their own territories but they get curious about each other. Prayers for peace.

  2. MAK Says:

    Yes Linda, this is where Pigott and DC hung out together among other things. lol Hopefully everyone behaves themselves! 🙂

  3. Braveheart2665 Says:

    Thanks, he’s quite the flirt but looks like he’s out of luck w/ this female

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