rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Jim P- Thursday June 19, 7-8:30AM & 3:30-4:30PM

I got to see more flying from Zephyr and Susan B on a couple of occasions this morning and afternoon. I’ve compiled pictures and a report for your viewing pleasure:


5 Responses to “Jim P- Thursday June 19, 7-8:30AM & 3:30-4:30PM”

  1. Barbara in WA Says:

    Jim, your photos are just amazing. I have enjoyed them these past couple of years so thank you so much for sharing them with us.

  2. Jean Says:

    Jim, you do such a beautiful job with your watch reports. Thank you so much. The kids and I enjoy reading them together…of course my 7 year old son adds the sound track and its quite funny. Almost like you could hear Zephyr miss that ledge and say “whoa, dude, like I missed the ledge”. Thanks!

  3. Alison in Austria Says:

    I hope the people looking at your excellent pictures will not only see the beauty of the falcons, but also be convinced that building repair on a major scale is necessary to repair mortar, replace rusty fastenings and scrape and repaint many areas where the family usually hangs out for several months of the year.

  4. Suzie-Q Says:

    You sure can capture shots of those babies with a sharp eye. Thanks for all of your time and effort spent so the rest of us can enjoy. I only wish I had time to join in the fun downtown to watch in person. I have been watching for years now and get so excited to see your photos. Thanks and keep up the great work.
    Rochester, NY

  5. Erin O Says:

    Jim, as usual great photos and commentary. I look forward to your pictures every year. Thanks for all your hard work. Erin O

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