rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Fledge Watch (06/17/20)

Larry OHeron

06:15 – 08:05

06:18. Court St. IDs are best guess. DC under northeast wing. Beauty just flew to Mercury. … Both parents left while I was messaging.

06:22. I have a falcon on the south side of times square building. It’s on that long extension that goes back towards Irving place. I think this is a juvie.

I now have two falcons on times square. One is under the Northeast wing. One is on the long office extension on the south side.

06:24. I now have three falcons. one sitting on the cam on powers. One under the Northeast wing. One on the south side of times square office extension.

07:02. Hope is on the west side of the times square office extension.

07:14. Church of two saints. Falcon watch. I can only see the adults on widow’s Walk and h on times square building. Can’t see g anymore.

Juvie just flew onto South extension of times square office building.

07:25. Broad & Exchange. Falcon just flew to the nest box.

07:33. Both parents on widows walk. G on old City Hall. H on times square office extension.

Looks like g left old City Hall. H is gone back in towards the roof on times square. … G is still on old City Hall. She just ducked out of sight.

07:38. Falcon Central. I have both parents on widow’s Walk. h on office extension of times square building. G on old City Hall.

Both g&h are laying down so they might be hard to see depending on where your position is, but I’ve got them both. Along with the parents on widows walk.

07:59. Beauty joined hope on the south face of the West extension of the times square building. … Beauty left and flew back again.

08:00. Beauties cleaning a meal on the times square office extension roof.

Roc just flew in from the northwest to where beauty is on times square.

08:04. DC is on widow’s walk. G is on old City Hall. Can’t see all three at the same time, but beauty and roc and h are on the office extension of times square.


02:00 – 03:15 pm

02:04. Broad & Exchange. Beauty and DC took off to the southwest alarm cacking, after a possible juvenile eagle. The two girls are on the north side of times square building, office extension, one level down on parapet wall.

02:26. Both beauty and DC did a return fly by, presumably after chasing off that unwanted intruder. All three young falcons stood up and they are all still on the North face of times square, one level down from the roof of the office extension.

02:31. Roc and one of the girls took off from times square building. We have one girl left on times square, same spot as before. One girl is now on the telesca roof. Roc was doing circles around the parking lot.

02:34. DC is on the powers railing. Beauty is on OCSR, Southeast face. One of the girls is on the telesca chimney. One of the girls is on Time square. Roc is doing circles and is somewhere now.

02:44. The female flew from times square out over and around Wilder and then flew to telesca where it landed on the roof maintenance shack. Or maybe it’s air conditioning. I don’t know.

02:50. Hope remains on times square. Per camera report, g left telesca. We now have a young Falcon on Wilder by the ladder. we also had roc flying circles around the parking lot. Could be roc on Wilder by ladder but it also could be g.

02:51. The young Falcon left Wilder and flew to times square next to the female. Based on size comparison, we think it was g that just left Wilder.

03:02. We think it’s DC on the top I-beam south corner of OCSR. Beauty was doing some laps around OCSR. She disappeared behind the buildings. Both girls are still on Time square building, same place as before.

03:05. Falcon was doing flights over and around wilder again. Probably landed on Union trade building.

03:14. DC was high overhead over the parking lot and he faded from view.

One Response to “Fledge Watch (06/17/20)”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Thank-you for your meticulous note taking and infinite patience out in the weather.

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