rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Falcon watch movie by Auntiewood June 25, 2020

Here is my Thursday morning movie, of video clips and pictures of our Peregrine Falcon juvies- by Auntiewood. Hope you enjoy!

4 Responses to “Falcon watch movie by Auntiewood June 25, 2020”

  1. Annie in MT Says:

    Thank you for the great video.

  2. grannywood Says:

    Your welcome Annie

  3. Betty A Capuano Says:

    Great movie! Loved it the babies got so big so fast.BEAUTIFUL!

  4. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Thank-you for the effort it takes to bring this experience to Bathrobe Brigaders. It is always a joy to see your pictures.

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