rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Thursday Morning Fledge Watch (6:30 – 10:00 am) – 7/2/20

Roc’s Wings!

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Morning Watchers: Dana, Kathy O, Larry O, Alyssa (thanks for the help finding Beauty today!) & Carol P.

Weather: Hot, hot hot & humid. Hardly a breeze or a cloud in the sky. Temps going up to 90 degrees today.

When I first arrived, there was one juvie on Widows Walk. S/he took off and all of a sudden there were three flying around the Times Square Bldg (TSB). Two landed under the northeast wing. I believe two juvies, and there was food up there.

Other watchers joined me in the hole during the morning watch; Alyssa, Dana, Larry O & Kathy O.

Twice, Geraki hunted over the parking lot in front of us. It was wonderful to see her chasing the pigeons around the Times Square Bldg. She doesn’t quite have the speed to catch one yet, but she’s getting very close.

Alyssa returned from riding around on her bike and said she thought she found Beauty over on the old School on Fitzhugh St. I followed her over there (on foot) and yep! There was Beauty. Where we were standing, we had Geraki and Hope behind us on Widows Walk. We started to hear a juvie crying and it wasn’t from the girls. Roc popped up his head on the Monroe Bldg (corner of Main & Fitzhugh).

Roc had just finished eating breakfast and Beauty flew down to have a bit for herself. Roc took off and landed on top of the old Church (corner of Fitzhugh & Broad). He took off and there was some flying by the juvies overhead. Beauty finished her meal and headed north with the leftovers.

During all of this, Dot.ca was on the SE corner of the Powers Bldg. We had all five Rochester Falcons in view this morning.

So far, their training is going well. We’ll keep watching. 🙂

Here are some pictures from my morning watch. Happily I was able to get a picture of Roc’s Wings, so now I have all three! Enjoy!

Geraki on Widows Walk
After Attempting to Hunt the Pigeons
Dot.ca on Powers
Looking a Little Bedraggled from his Molt
Hope on Widows Walk
Geraki & Hope on Widows Walk
Beauty on Old School
Beauty on Old School
Roc on Monroe Bldg
Beauty & Roc on Monroe Bldg
Beauty & Roc on Monroe Bldg.
Roc on Monroe Bldg
Beauty on Monroe Bldg
Roc on Old Church
Roc on Old Church
Roc Takes Off from the Old Church
Fitzhugh St Bldgs
Old Church on Fitzhugh St
Roc & Geraki on Widows Walk
Hope is sleeping to their right.
Hope on Widows Walk After a Nap
Beauty on Nest Box Platform
Beauty Takes Off From Nest Box Platform
Roc’s Wings!
Roc’s Wings!

5 Responses to “Thursday Morning Fledge Watch (6:30 – 10:00 am) – 7/2/20”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Wonderful as always. The Old School is a particularly lovely building.
    This brood seems churchier than previous years…

  2. Carol P. Says:

    lol Alison! They are landing on many of the older buildings in Rochester.

  3. patsy6 Says:

    More awesome photos!

  4. Carol P. Says:

    Thanks Pat! 🙂

  5. Blake Smith Says:

    The wings ! Love it !

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