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Eyes to the Skies

2021 Pre-Fledge Watch Report 6/15/21

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Well, here we are again. It’s almost time for the Rochester Falcons Fledge Watch to begin. Golden & Freyja are quickly losing their white fluff feathers and both are wingercizing like crazy. As of today, both have made it out to the wall. It won’t be long before they take their first flights!

Here’s Golden on the Wall!

Here are some pictures of our favorite couples, Beauty & Dot.ca; Billie & Beau. I can verify that Billie and Beau have successfully nested, but cannot say where.

I truly hope that all Rochester eyases fledge safely and successfully!

Beauty on Cam 4.
Dot.ca on Wilder.
Billie in a tree.
Beau in a tree.

4 Responses to “2021 Pre-Fledge Watch Report 6/15/21”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Love the pictures, especially Billie in a tree. I would like to use that as a greeting card!

  2. Alison in Indiana Says:

    The young fledge at 35-42 days so we are getting VERY close now.

  3. Carol P. Says:

    Thanks Alison. Feel free. 🙂 I plan on starting my fledge watch soon. Golden will probably be first. Maybe Friday or Saturday.

  4. Alison in Indiana Says:

    We think Golden hatched 5/10 and expected to fledge as soon as 6/18! You are right, it goes so FAST!

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