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Eyes to the Skies

First Fledge Watch Report of 2021 – 6/18/21

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Watchers: Dana and Carol P from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm

There was a lot of activity by our two young eyases. Both were running the wall and flapping their wings, strengthening them for their soon to be first flights. Golden actually knocked Beauty off of Cam #4 and took her place for a few seconds. She brought in a small snack to entice him to come down from the camera. Freyja is a bit younger, but she’s keeping up with her brother.

The watch started out chilly and mostly cloudy. It did warm up and by the time we left, just before 2:00 pm, it was raining steadily. Both eyases had settled on the wall, so we decided it was a good time to leave.

Here are some of my favorite pictures from today’s fledge watch.

Beauty and Eyas.
Dot.ca on NE wing ledge.
Poop Shot!
Beauty, Golden & Freyja.
Beauty & Golden.
Golden & Beauty.
Golden, Freyja and Beauty.
Freyja Wingercizing on the Wall.

4 Responses to “First Fledge Watch Report of 2021 – 6/18/21”

  1. Joyce Says:

    These are great pics Carol. Nice start to fledge watch.

  2. Carol P. Says:

    Thanks Joyce!

  3. Bonnie Says:

    Wonderful account! I miss seeing the falcons. And quite a lot of action. Can’t wait for the second fledge watch report.

  4. Carol P. Says:

    Thank you Bonnie. Much more activity today!!!

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