Fledge Watch Report 6/26/21
By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.
Watchers (during my watch): Dana, Lisa McK, Kathy O, Larry O & Carol P.
7:00 am – 1:00 pm
The watch started out with lots of rain and a bit of wind. For a couple hours we all drove around looking for the falcons. Golden was hanging out on the Powers Bldg along with Beauty and Dot.ca on and off.
By 10:00 am, I was the last watcher left. The rain finally stopped and the temperatures rose along with the wind. Some gusts were quite strong. Temps are expected to go up to 92 degrees (F) today (even more heat and humidity tomorrow). I decided to travel on foot today. I feel I see more and hear more than when I’m driving around.
At approx 10:50 am, both Beauty and Dot.ca were at the Powers nest box with Golden. I saw a falcon take off and fly towards OCSR. Then there were two falcons flying over OCSR. They headed towards the Times Square Bldg, then continued south. I assumed that it was Golden getting flying lessons from one of the adults. Imagine my surprise when I looked back at the Powers Bldg and both DC and Golden were still there. So, who was getting flight lessons from Beauty? There was absolutely no aggression. Sadly I was not able to get a picture with both falcons in it.
The rest of my watch was very quiet until Golden finally woke up and started to cry. He took off from Powers, flew over OCSR and ended up landing on the same ledge with Beauty. I believe he attempted to knock her off, but she wasn’t giving in this time. lol
Golden landed on the column above the nest box and then hopped down to the east side, center ledge, above the nest box. I saw him for a moment, until he walked further in on the ledge. That was the last time I saw him before ending my watch.
I just wanted to say, that I believe that it was Golden I was seeing throughout my watch, but there were some times when I was unable to see a band to verify that it was always him.
Here are some of my favorite pictures from today’s watch. Enjoy!
Golden was just below them on the next railing down.
She was flying with a 4th Falcon
June 26th, 2021 at 3:20 PM
Thank-you for your perseverance this morning.
I have been reading watch posts and thinking the reports of a juvie being here and then being there were getting to be too many close together for them all just to be Golden. So your having seen a second falcon flying peaceably with Beauty while Golden was hanging out with his dad was a sort of confirmation.
Freyja was a pretty low-keyed eyas, so I am hoping the lack of positive ID is just a sign of her retiring personality…
June 27th, 2021 at 1:08 PM
We can only hope Alison.