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Eyes to the Skies

Falcon Watch Report – 8/3/22

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.


My morning watch was shared by Kathy O and Dana. Larry O was out for a short time, but he did not join us.

When I first arrived on the Court St Bridge, there was a juvie on the roof of the Old Radisson. Another falcon flew through and the juvie gave chase heading NW, maybe towards the Frontier Communication Tower. Not sure if it was an adult and juvie or two juvies.

Kathy, Dana and I split up, searching the downtown area. I found a juvie on the south end, lower ledge of the Cross Rds Bldg. Again, I could not verify if it was Blaze or Kanfai Malachim.

We continued our search. Kathy texted that there was a juvie on the NE corner of City Place. This is a building just south of the Frontier Communication Tower. Dana and I joined Kathy. We hoped to get a look at the bands. This juvie was NOT being cooperative at all. Then, finally, it spread its wings and took off!

Dana and I quickly checked our pictures. Would we see the bands? Was it Blaze or Kanfai Malachim? Blue or silver? RED! I see RED!

What! Had Zara been released? Had she escaped and we hadn’t been notified? A quick call to June. She checked with the rehabber. Zara was sitting peacefully in her flight cage.

Soooooo, who is this mystery visitor with the red tape over the USFW band and Black over Green band? Neither Dana or my pics gave us a clue.

We saw no aggression towards, let’s call this juvie Red for now. Blaze was seen later in the watch, but we were not able to find Red again.

This mystery will only be solved if we’re lucky enough to read Red’s black over green band. Hopefully one of the watchers will.

Here are a few pics of pics of Red from the morning watch.

Red Takes Off!
Imagine our shock when we saw the red tape!

4 Responses to “Falcon Watch Report – 8/3/22”

  1. dumpsterkitty Says:

    Well that answers everyone’s question…they didn’t let Zara out! It will be very interesting if we can figure out where she’s from!

  2. shaky Says:

    She obviously escaped from her cage, went into town to pass information to her contacts, and then returned to her cage before the rehabber noticed she was missing.

    A classic Hogan’s Heroes move.

  3. Paul Hamilton k Says:

    Sounds like a case of identity theft. “I’ll just buy some black market bands and pass myself off as the daughter of Neo and Neander. International stardom and maybe even a gig controlling pigeons in St. Mark’s Square in Venice. After all, they call me an opportunistic predator.”

  4. Carol P. Says:


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