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Eyes to the Skies

Carol P. – Diamante Has Fledged! – June 20, 2008 – 4-6:30 pm

It was a very eventful 2 1/2 hours.  Lots and lots of flying by Mariah, Kaver and three young fledglings.  While Seneca still lingers in the nest box and Quest still runs around the playpen strengthening her wing muscles, Diamante gave flying a try.

All day, we wondered where Diamante was.  We could only count four eyases on the tower.  Did he fledge?  Was he hunkered down somewhere, snoozing?  I believe that he did fledge early that day, as reported by Dan S.  A very short flight out of the playpen and back on. 

At 5:30 p.m., we finally saw all five eyases/fledglings!  Yes!  Seneca in the nest box, Quest in the playpen, Zephyr on the left side of the nest box perch, Susan B on the southwest corner of the 19th floor and (drumroll please!), Diamante was located on the southside 20th floor of the Kodak Tower.  I was so happy to see all five young Falcons.

During my Watch, Susan B finally made it out to the High Falls Stack.  Zephyr followed her and they remained there for quite awhile.

It was a gorgeous evening for once, and I was joined by many Watchers, too numerous to name (because I know I’ll forget someone!).  😉

Tomorrow should be an interesting day.  I’ll bet Quest is ready to be free of her playpen.  She’s ready to fledge and I’m sure Seneca won’t be far behind.

Carol P.

6 Responses to “Carol P. – Diamante Has Fledged! – June 20, 2008 – 4-6:30 pm”

  1. Gail in Cincinnati Says:

    Thats amazing that Diamante fledged since he appears to be the smallest of the five. Guess all that running around the playpen paid off. Maybe Seneca should try that! I’m still waiting for Quest to take to the air so hopefully today. Thanks for the exciting news!

  2. Froona Says:

    Great news! Thanks so much Carol! So only 2 to go. Wonder indeed if beautiful and special Quest will give it a try today!.
    Hope you all have a wonderful day. On cam 1 we all saw you down there at the watch HQ around 8 this morning.
    Thanks for all the great work you are doing!

  3. Jean Says:

    Oh YAY!! We’re on our way down!!

  4. Rosamund Says:

    Great reassuring report, Carol! It’s good to know Diamante is okay.

    I hope all are accounted for this (Sat.) morning as Mariah seemed to be focusing her attention inside the smokestack on cam 1, around 9 AM, Shaky’s site.

  5. Diane H. Says:

    Is something wrong with Seneca? Zephyr was with her only 20 min ago
    and I think she was eating, he went in with her then I came back and she’s been in a strange postion ever since. I’m very worried, is anyone checking? I’m a complete novice, but I have a weird feeling.

  6. Diane H. Says:

    Ok, she has moved a little bit. Oh! It’s like these birds are my own children, I feel so protective. I am still worried.

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