rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Quest lives up to her name! Jill C- Saturday June 21st 11:30-1:30

Well, my first ‘official’ watch was pretty exciting and Quest kept us running! When we arrived a group of watchers were in the parking lot on Frankfurt St. and Brown St. across from building 10, about a block away
from the tower, where they had followed her on her bumpy flight.

Apparently a male American Kestrel lives in the neighborhood and wasn’t too happy with her arrival! She was up on a rooftop for quite awhile (about an hour) when she decided to fly North.  We located her on the top of a building at Jay St. and Frankfurt St. – we tried to tell her that she was going the wrong way – the Kodak tower was in the other direction!

She stayed there for a short time until she heard one of the other juveniles kak-ing on the tower so she turned herself around and flew to a rooftop a couple of buildings away, but at least this time, she was headed in the right direction!  She found her visit unwelcomed again, this time by a group of house sparrows. She took off again towards State Street and off we went running…..luckily one of the new watchers, Chadwick, was a fast runner! He was able to keep an eye on her as she just barely got over some pine trees and then got enough lift to get over State St. and on to a rooftop antenna (go figure!) on the corner of State St. and Brown St…..she certainly was on a quest in those 2 hours and I enjoyed every minute of it!!

One Response to “Quest lives up to her name! Jill C- Saturday June 21st 11:30-1:30”

  1. Carol P. Says:

    Yay for Chadwick and thank goodess he didn’t wear his flip flops! 😉 After running after Quest all day, it was great to have a new, younger set of legs to do the chasing. LOL – Carol P.

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