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Eyes to the Skies

Friday Morning Fledge Watch – 6/26/20

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Watchers (6:30 – 10:30 am) – Kathy O, Dana, Larry O and Carol P.

Weather: Started out at 60 degrees (F) and was up into the 70’s when we ended our watch. Bright sunshine and very low humidity. Blue Sky and very little breeze.

When Kathy O arrived, she saw two juvies on Widows Walk. I arrived soon after and only saw Hope there. Larry O and Dana arrived soon after I did.

It was very quiet for the first 3 hrs of our morning watch. Hope had taken off and was replaced by (who we think was) Roc. Without seeing them together to see size difference and no look at their legs (blue vs yellow), it is almost impossible to tell them apart, especially for me.

Just as Larry O was pulling out of the parking lot, Hope flew over us heading towards Widows Walk. She landed right next to Roc, knocking him down to the lower ledge. Beauty was on the corner of the Powers Bldg and Dana spotted Dot.ca on the north side of OCSR.

We started to hear a juvie crying behind us. After walking around and searching, I found Beauty and Roc (I think, based on size) with food on the corner of the now closed Riverside Hotel.

There was a lot of flying by all five while we were on the Main St Bridge, over the river. Including talon tagging by Hope and Geraki.

The morning watch started out slow, but ended up with a lot of activity by our Rochester Falcons.

Here are some pictures from my morning watch. Enjoy!

Good Morning Hope!
Hope on Widows Walk
Beauty on Powers Bldg
Watcher Shadows
Roc on Widows Walk
Here Comes Hope!
Hope and Roc on Widows Walk
Beauty and Roc on Riverside Hotel
Roc and Beauty on Riverside Hotel
Beauty and Roc on Riverside Hotel
Geraki and Hope Talon Tagging Over the River
Hope and Geraki Flying Together
Hope and Geraki Flying Together
Beauty at the Times Square Bldg Nest Box
Dot.ca at the Times Square Bldg Nest Box
Hope on the Ledge Above the Nest Box on the Times Square Bldg
Beauty on the Wilder Bldg Green Strip
Hope on the Roof Above Beauty
Roc Flew in and Knocked Beauty off Wilder
Hope on Wilder

One Response to “Friday Morning Fledge Watch – 6/26/20”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Thank-you for the delightful recap of the morning. I also enjoy the watcher shadow pictures you throw in:-)

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