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Author Topic: Pandas to China  (Read 13039 times)
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« Reply #15 on: 05-Feb-10, 07:33:05 PM »

I somehow think something got lost in translation.  While Tai Shan may not be a "rock star" anymore, the pandas are well taken care of and loved by their keepers.

OK...Found some pictures of Tai Shan's arrival with this comment on the article...

"as a chinese panda lover
I can say with certainty that this reporting is not accurate.
I know WuDaiFu and his colleague make great contribution to Pandas

I suggest that she should find a better interpreter
if it doesn't work
she needs to improving her understanding and writing skills"  

Photos here

Hua Mei photos here

And Mei Sheng photos here  Please note the birthday photos with fruitcicles.

And, just because, one of my favorites I took of Tai Shan just after his first birthday


If we forget our passion our hearts go blind                                    @MsShaftway
Kris G.
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« Reply #16 on: 05-Feb-10, 07:51:43 PM »

This is very sad for both Mei Lan and Tai Shan.  Forced breeding, indoctrination, cramped quarters-sounds like a puppy mill.  Sad
Please...  frustrated
"Puppy Mill" is a term coined by PETA and H$U$ minions, who use it to describe ANYone who breeds any animal.  Of course there are some substandard breeders, and they need to be stopped, but PM is an over worked and non-defined term, certainly not applicable to a Panda conservation program.
FORCED breeding?  Another term used by those who believe in the eventual elimination of all animals from humans' lives.  aaarggh
Rather than condemning the Chinese program, we should be lauding it, as one of the REAL conservation efforts.
Thank you,

I've been known to speak from my heart and not my head so don't beat yours over my comments.  The article was very upsetting to say the least.

Kris G.
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« Reply #17 on: 05-Feb-10, 07:55:24 PM »

I somehow think something got lost in translation.  While Tai Shan may not be a "rock star" anymore, the pandas are well taken care of and loved by their keepers.

OK...Found some pictures of Tai Shan's arrival with this comment on the article...

"as a chinese panda lover
I can say with certainty that this reporting is not accurate.
I know WuDaiFu and his colleague make great contribution to Pandas

I suggest that she should find a better interpreter
if it doesn't work
she needs to improving her understanding and writing skills"  

Photos here

Hua Mei photos here

And Mei Sheng photos here  Please note the birthday photos with fruitcicles.

And, just because, one of my favorites I took of Tai Shan just after his first birthday

Thanks for posting this. Knowing about the efforts for Panda conservation, it makes me feel better to know that the conditions are better there than what the article described.

I'm Not Addicted

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« Reply #18 on: 06-Feb-10, 12:16:04 AM »

I somehow think something got lost in translation.  While Tai Shan may not be a "rock star" anymore, the pandas are well taken care of and loved by their keepers.

OK...Found some pictures of Tai Shan's arrival with this comment on the article...

"as a chinese panda lover
I can say with certainty that this reporting is not accurate.
I know WuDaiFu and his colleague make great contribution to Pandas

I suggest that she should find a better interpreter
if it doesn't work
she needs to improving her understanding and writing skills"  

Photos here

Hua Mei photos here

And Mei Sheng photos here  Please note the birthday photos with fruitcicles.

And, just because, one of my favorites I took of Tai Shan just after his first birthday

Thanks for posting this. Knowing about the efforts for Panda conservation, it makes me feel better to know that the conditions are better there than what the article described.

Ei, thank you for the beautiful pictures.  I feel so much better.  The writer of that horrible article is based in Beijing but she really seemed to have an axe to grind.  What a horrid thing to read especially after having Tai Shan move. 

And Kris, my heart definitely speaks first.  We love animals and want them to be protected.  I have been really upset about Tai.  I know he is needed to breed but it is such a cut off.  And we want these precious little beings to be safe and loved

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened"

                Anatole France
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