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« Reply #15 on: 26-Feb-10, 01:41:39 PM »

The year that Gahastey was hurt, Mariah and Kaver allowed her to land and remain on the Kodak Tower late in the season.  Havoc (male), the guardian angel of that year, tried to remain and hang out with Gahastey.  He would land on one of the RG&E smokestacks, while Gahastey was on the Kodak Tower.  

I thought Alkyonis was the one that was hurt that year, 2004. She was treated and released (along with Grissom) after going down a stack and wound up going to ground downtown later with a shoulder problem.
Carol P.
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« Reply #16 on: 26-Feb-10, 02:35:13 PM »

It was definitely Gahastey and Havoc.  We were sad to hear that Gahastey had passed away the following year, but glad that she had survived after leaving Rochester.  She somehow injured her foot.  It was closer to the end of the season, maybe sometime in August.

Alkyonis was the one released back to the Kodak Tower after rehab (having gone down twice!).  Mariah was first uncertain about this "intruder" until the fledglings accepted her.  I remember watching all day long after she was released, to make sure she would be ok.

The year that Gahastey was hurt, Mariah and Kaver allowed her to land and remain on the Kodak Tower late in the season.  Havoc (male), the guardian angel of that year, tried to remain and hang out with Gahastey.  He would land on one of the RG&E smokestacks, while Gahastey was on the Kodak Tower.  

I thought Alkyonis was the one that was hurt that year, 2004. She was treated and released (along with Grissom) after going down a stack and wound up going to ground downtown later with a shoulder problem.

Peregrines know no borders.....
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« Reply #17 on: 26-Feb-10, 04:37:32 PM »

Nicole, does Polly hunt on her own at all that you know of?  Or is she entirely dependant on the parents?

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« Reply #18 on: 26-Feb-10, 10:28:48 PM »

The falcons at this site are Spirit and Roger. Spirit, band black/green 93/E, was born in 2004 at the Hilliard Road Bridge site in the Cleveland area to the great Buckeye and his mate Hillary. She had three siblings, Turbo, Pulse and Mystic. Turbo died very shortly after fledging; Mystic was found later that summer with a fractured wing, but she did not survive surgery. Pulse was not seen for three years, but in March 2007 he showed up at the Cathedral of Learning nest in Pittsburgh, where the resident falcons were Dorothy and Erie, the parents of Beauty in Rochester. Pulse fought a territorial battle with Erie in the nest box, and Erie killed him.

Spirit is the only survivor of this clutch. Her mate, Roger, is unbanded.

Last year, the pair had two chicks, Polly and her brother Algo. In August, Polly somehow sustained a severe leg injury, from which she has been struggling to recover. She is still at the nest with her parents.

A few updates on Polly from the blog:

From August 17:

As I mentioned last week, poor Polly still has an injured foot. I have made several attempts to capture her with the intention of taking her to the rehabilitation centre for birds of prey at St-Hyacinthe, but without success. Still, I have not given up . . .

From September 19:

In spite of numerous attempts to capture Polly and have her cared for, my efforts failed and I have had to give up on the idea, due to lack of time. The good news is that she seems to have adapted to her handicap fairly well, since she has managed to survive so far. I see the juvies less and less; I am really quite surprised to see them still in the area. I would have thought that they would have left long before this!

And from December 1:

I have not seen Algo since mid-October. It seems that he has left his parents' territory, or at least he no longer visits the Tower.

On the other hand, to my great astonishment, young Polly comes to perch on the Tower regularly. She still has the problem with her right foot; however, I see a slight improvement when she is in flight. At first her foot hung down like a dead weight, while now it is bent back a little. She can also move her toes and use them a little bit, as you can see in this video taken on November 19.

It seems clear to me that her handicap has slowed down her ability to learn to hunt, and thus her departure has been delayed . . . I am nevertheless hopeful that she will be able to fend for herself during the next few months, because she seems to be in good condition. I am fairly sure that she is now able to catch prey for herself.

Roger and Spirit show absolutely no aggression towards her, but neither do they show any particular interest in her . . .

The blog entry for September 29, 2009 has a short video of Polly. She was barely able to walk.

Polly at the nest:


Roger at the nest:



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« Reply #19 on: 26-Feb-10, 10:38:53 PM »

Good summary Alison.

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« Reply #20 on: 27-Feb-10, 11:04:30 PM »

Nicole, does Polly hunt on her own at all that you know of?  Or is she entirely dependant on the parents?

One thing is sure is that her parents do not feed her anymore.
She was seen running to small birds. But she stole some food to Roger and Spirit and they let her do.
Is this answer is correct for you Carly?
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« Reply #21 on: 10-Mar-10, 01:00:35 PM »  in the nest now

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« Reply #22 on: 10-Mar-10, 01:18:53 PM »

I'm assuming Spirit is the one in the nest all the time now.

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« Reply #23 on: 21-Apr-10, 11:14:58 PM »

Université de Montréal falcon pair may have to evict their daughter

Welcome to Montreal's newest Internet reality show, Mind Your Own Falcon Business, starring Spirit, Roger, Polly and Eve. Who needs soap operas when you've got the real thing on your computer?

I have studied and written about peregrine falcons for more than 30 years and I thought I had seen it all. But this year takes the cake.

It all started in 2007 when Eve Bélisle, a programmer in the chemical engineering department at École Polytechnique on the Université de Montréal campus, contacted me about a pair of peregrines hanging about the 26-storey tower there. The following winter, we installed a comfortable nesting box on the 23rd floor and, lo and behold, right around Mother's Day in 2009, the birds produced two young, a male and a female.

From reading her leg band number, Eve discovered that the mother's name is Spirit and she fledged from a bridge nest in Ohio in 2004. She gave the name Roger to the father in honour of Roger Gaudry, the man the tower is named after. The two nestlings were called Algo (after Alain Goulet, owner of the Centre de conservation de la faune ailée, a nature store in the east end, and the financial backer for both the nest box and the web cam) and Polly, a former name for Spirit. And Eve, of course, is now the official voyeur. So now you know all the players in this fascinating drama.

After the usual rescues of both nestlings from the ground when they made unsuccessful attempts to fly, both kids hung around Mom and Dad for quite a while.

Algo eventually disappeared and will hopefully show up as a breeder at around 3 years of age - a very natural thing for young fledged peregrines to do. But here is where our story gets quite interesting.

Polly became the child who wouldn't go away; she stayed with her parents through the entire winter. Eve had noticed that Polly had sustained some form of permanent leg injury, which, to a peregrine used to nailing their prey with their feet in the air, can be a handicap. Thus, it is conceivable that Polly remained with her parents throughout the winter with the thought that she could garner the odd food handout for old time's sake.

Spirit and Roger are now sitting on a clutch of four eggs in the nest box. The episode titled The Trouble with Polly started during egg-laying. Polly just couldn't keep her little beak out of Mom's business. Every time Mom or Dad would enter the nest box, Polly had to be there, too. You see, some bird species like crows and scrub-jays welcome assistance from helpers in the form of youngsters from previous years, but not falcons, at least not to my knowledge.

Having a teenager around the home is not necessarily a bad thing, but Polly became annoying to her parents. Often the eggs would sit uncovered due to her constant interference, and on some occasions Spirit has had to physically kick Polly out of the nest box. So I will be especially curious to see what happens if and when the chicks hatch. Does Polly's disruptive behaviour with incubation cause the death of some or all of the embryos? Will she help feed the babies? Or when they have new chicks to deal with, will the parents kick Polly out of their territory?

There is an intriguing sidebar to this peregrine drama: It is not unheard of for some bird species, including falcons, to engage in incest.

The very first pair of American kestrels, a small cousin to the peregrine, to return to a nest box on McGill's Macdonald campus in the '80s were a father and a daughter who raised five healthy babies. If Spirit were to perish in the next year or two and Polly and Roger were still around, would they perhaps hook up and raise kids together?

Eve has indeed observed Roger sneaking off with Polly out of camera range for long periods.

Want to become a peregrine voyeur too? Just click on

faucons, and follow the links to BĂ©lisle's blog.


Thanks to Eve, I can pass on other news of Montreal's peregrine falcon population.

Your other favourite peregrines, the ones on Place Victoria, suffered a setback in 2009 when the male killed himself flying into a window right after fledging the young.

As expected, a new male has shown up this year to court the female, but according to Jean Masson of Fasken Martineau Dumoulin, who has watched these falcons for more than a decade, they "come and go" but there are no eggs yet.

Eve visited some other Montreal sites. There is probably a pair on the Mercier Bridge, but she is not sure about the Champlain and Jacques Cartier bridges. The city of Laval has a pair nesting in a quarry for at least the second year in a row.

- - -

David Bird is a professor of wildlife biology and director of the Avian Science and Conservation Centre on the Macdonald campus of McGill University.

This is a first....Polly stays with mom and dad. Hope more is published soon on this.

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« Reply #24 on: 21-Apr-10, 11:47:52 PM »

NOTE - 3 topics (Webcam at Montreal university, Question for expert, & Montreal university blog) are combined since they all discuss Polly and the Montreal nestsite.

Thanks for posting Donna.  Linda Woods also sent the article to Carol P and I was just going to post the same.  I went into the archives at and found  a photo of Polly caught on today's cam 4/21/2010-18:36, while Mom (Spirit) sits on the eggs.
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« Reply #25 on: 22-Apr-10, 06:12:18 AM »

Along Came Polly. This is quite amazing. Wonder how long she'll stay...I guess forever if allowed.

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« Reply #26 on: 22-Apr-10, 10:47:53 PM »

If she's injured, this could account for the refusal to leave.  Too bad she can't be treated????

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« Reply #27 on: 23-Apr-10, 08:05:40 AM »

Well Polly is back and just as she came in, mom took off. Now Polly is just laying in the nest next to the eggs. Wonder if this will impact hatching.

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« Reply #28 on: 23-Apr-10, 08:43:42 AM »

Polly still there! Do these eggs even have a chance? Why can't mom or dad make her move, at least away from the nest? Could they be afraid of her? I don't get it.

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« Reply #29 on: 23-Apr-10, 02:00:46 PM »

I wrote to Eve from Montreal and here's what she has to say about Polly Pockets.

It's hard to tell what they are thinking as this is the first time this situation is seen, to my knowledge. I'll try to answer your questions from what I have seen and what I think is going on.

Polly is not incubating the eggs although it seems like she tried a couple of times. She just likes the box to have a nap in the sunshine and the warm rocks ! She has been doing it through the winter. I thought that her parents would chase her off when egg laying started but it was not the case. Mom is not afraid of her - I have seen her get Polly out of there on a few occasions in the past. You can also see when they are together that Polly has her head lower than Spirit when they bow to each other, it means that Spirit is still the boss. Also, Spirit has no problem getting other females out of the territory, so if she wanted to she could do it with Polly quite easily. When Spirit leaves the nest, it's because she has been sitting there for several hours and wants to go out and stretch, thinking that Roger would take over. This is where the problems start - Roger, of course he's way smaller and can't win a fight against Polly. But again there is no fight, when they are together in the box it's clear that Roger is not afraid of her, she's just annoying him and that's why sometimes she prevents him from doing his job. However most of the time he manages to sit on the eggs.

This morning I think Spirit was out hunting when the eggs were uncovered for a long period of time, as she came back to the box with a prey. Otherwise she would have told Polly to get out after a while.

So obviously, both parents have decided to accept Polly as part of their life for now.
Also, it is clear to me that Polly is now able to hunt on her own. I have seen her disappear for a few days, and come back to the tower with a full crop when both her parents have been there for a while.

Now I don't know whether the time without incubation will be fatal to the embryos. I certainly hope not as I am very curious to see Polly's reaction when/if we have chicks.

It was nice of her to write back so quickly. I hope these eggs hatch. Polly means no problems, she's just being a kid.


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