Hello all you Rochester Falcon Fans,
The M&M’s for M&K Team wants to extend our heartfelt thanks to all who have contributed to the M&M’s for M&K Campaign. So far, we have raised $3300, thanks to you! Your contributions to the Genesee Valley Audubon Society are very much appreciated. They will go to support the Rochester Falconcam and the future needs of the group.
If you haven’t already contributed to the M&M’s for M&K campaign, you still have time! We still have a supply of the gifts that you’ll receive for making a donation. Check the order form for a description of the gifts:
http://shakymon.com/mmmk.pdf For those who haven’t heard of the campaign, you can read about it here:
http://rfalconcam.com/imprinting/?p=754 And here is a link to our M&K Legacy video which features the pictures used in the 8x10 collage - all twenty nine of Mariah and Kaver’s offspring from 2002 to 2008:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2553N1t4ys Here are some of the comments from people who have already contributed and have received the gifts for their contribution:
"The collages and post cards are just beautiful-so many memories - and the M/M's are -what can I say-just too cute to eat! "
"What a beautiful set of pictures to give tribute to our famous couple. I have been a member since 2002 and remember each and every moment of Mariah & Kaver. It really has been a wonderful journey following them through the years. I am a M&M junkie, but these are not going to be eaten. "
"I received my package this afternoon and everything was in great condition, M & M's and collage. Won't eat those M & M's for a little while at least. They are really cute. I love the collage and I will have to find that special frame for it. Thanks also for the autographed thank you. "
"Great job putting the package together - great photos!"
"I can't believe how wonderful the pix are and how gorgeous M & Ks kids are and I can't wait to get them into frames."If you'd like to donate to this cause, here is the order form:
http://shakymon.com/mmmk.pdf Many thanks from the M&M's for M&K Team,
Kathy O, Dana (aka Granny), Lou, Carrie, Carol P, and Shaky