A few of us here have been discussing how we might better organize things for this weekend and this is what we have so far:
We'll definitely have a Saturday Morning Get -Together at Aqueduct Park at 9:00 am. Here's a link to
Eileen's map (zoom in and find the marker with the green arrow on the west side of the river). At the park, the local Rochester Falcon Watchers will do it up Tailgater Style (ie, dish-to-pass) where we'll each bring something to share. The list below has what we have so far (see list below**). If other locals want to bring something, please post it here. At the park, we'll have a downtown street map available with a `Falcon Trail' marked on it showing various locations where the falcons may be. We're going to be at the falcon's mercy – they could be anywhere! If you have a walkie-talkie – bring it and set it to channel 7.1 so we can share whereabouts and events.
For those that want to experience the Dinosaur Bar-B-Q, we'll plan on doing lunch there and our thinking is that take-out is the way to go. We think that a large group and other weekend activities in Rochester will make it difficult for reservations – even at lunch. We can bring our lunches back to Aqueduct park or if there are picnic tables at the Dinosaur, we can eat right there outside.
As far as Saturday evening activities, there are several options for folks:
* Lisa McK is collecting names of people who want to go see the Falcons of Toronto/Dolphins (double feature) video at 4:00 p.m. at the Strasenburgh Planetarium which is only several blocks from downtown. I plan on going to that too. Hopefully, we'll have enough locals there to transport visitors if they need rides. That group can then decide if and where they want to go and grab something to eat before returning downtown for the evening watch. Here's a link to the
Strasenburgh Planetrium site:
http://www.rmsc.org/StrasenburghPlanetarium/Schedule/* Another option is that there's a Baseball Game at Frontier Field with the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra playing music to fireworks after the game. That's an easy option because the ballpark offers some good choices for food. The game starts at 6:05. Prices are $6.50, $9.00 or $10.50. Here's a link to the
Rochester Red Wings Site:
http://rochester.redwings.milb.com/index.jsp?sid=t534* Another option is for people to simply hook up with a local (loco?) and create their own plans for the evening!
We’ll also meet at Aqueduct Park on Sunday morning (9:00 am) but we won’t be doing a formal food thing. There might be some stuff, but best bet would be for folks to grab something to eat beforehand.
**Who's Bringing what to the Saturday Tailgater Breakfast (so far…) LOCALS – Add to this list please! Thx
• Suzanne - Bagels , cream cheese
• Lynda/Tim - A cool pastry/coffee cake thing (and tattoos!)
• Joyce - Cut-up fruit, small bowls and spoons.
• Lou - Coffee (2 boxes of Joe from Dunkin' Donuts) w/ cups, sugar, stir sticks, etc.
• Jeanne - Juice, cups, something sweet and probably something else
• Carol P. - Plates, Forks, Knives, Napkins, etc.
Looking forward to seeing everyone!