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Author Topic: Canada Falcons: All but those hatched in Rochester  (Read 1148581 times)
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« Reply #120 on: 05-Apr-10, 10:19:57 PM »

Already checked - Rhea Mae's red taped fledging last year was Sandy.  Her band is 97/X, therefore it does not look to be her.

Carol P.
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« Reply #121 on: 05-Apr-10, 10:24:20 PM »

I have pics of the bands on the table that were set out and 15/X was there!

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« Reply #122 on: 05-Apr-10, 10:39:31 PM »

I have pics of the bands on the table that were set out and 15/X was there!

Well, we know it's from a nest that was banded after the Sheraton, then!  I'm sure we'll hear from Mark soon.

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« Reply #123 on: 06-Apr-10, 08:26:09 PM »

Turns out it's Marla from the Toronto Private Residential site!

Carly posted on CMNH: C&C: Just heard back from The Canadian Peregrine Foundation and they can confirm that you do indeed have another Toronto bird !! She hails from my neighbourhood - the Etobicoke Private Toronto Residential site!

Here is her information from their records!

I can confirm after checking our banding records that the Black 15 over Black X banded Pefa that you make reference to was named ā€œMarlaā€,

Banded on June -2- 2009 at an Etobicoke nest site, identified at banding as a female, weighing 889 grams at approx. 22 days old when banded.

Thank you again guys for keeping us in the loop about our birds!

Mathew Rossi who looks after Marla's mom and dad at the TR site sent me this nice photo of her that he took when she got stuck on his balcony.


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« Reply #124 on: 15-Apr-10, 09:49:59 PM »

Private Residential Falcons

Apr 10, 2010 - Orders of Business and Seeking Stewards

As you know, these falcons are a labour of love for me, and often a time-consuming one at that. As a team, residents have helped in the past to manage the annual falcon process, which as always is greatly appreciated.

Heading into the current nesting season, I need to advise of a change of plan on my part, and seek stewards from our residence to help monitor and otherwise manage the process. I will continue to contribute, but I am unable to devote as much time, and may not be here for parts of the summer. So, I seek to have a 'Plan B' in place.

This week, not wanting to be so responsible for the process, I sought support from the building and was informed of a few things I'd like to share:

1. Camera

Cameras assist with monitoring, and as you know I have been trying to coordinate the logistics of installing one at the new nest location.

I was informed this week that "the board does not wish to spend any additional funds on a camera this year", which is interesting considering we had the first camera donated by an external contractor 2 years ago, and I secured funding from the MNR for all our costs last year. So, there has actually never been a cost to the building, a detail that apparently flew under the radar. My costs and loss of work time on the other hand have never been acknowledged, except by my accountant.

To address this year's camera requirement, I have obtained support from the MNR who may be able to assist with camera costs, so it's now more a matter of installation, if we bother at all. This takes time and effort, another issue.

2. Lobby Cam and Video feed

The Board decided that the lobby channel feed will not exist this year, it is considered a security issue given 2 screens alternated between 2 lobbies, leaving people unable to view a lobby for 10-second intervals.

As for the web based video, I have devoted time and resources to ensure this runs in past years, this year I doubt I will, and without a camera the point is moot.

3. Management Involvement

The board prefers that our Management team does not spend any time on the falcons. Since the falcons arrived, I have sacrificed my own time and minimized the efforts of management by keeping them apprised of any pressing issues, and only seeking assistance on items when required.

This said, anyone can correct me if I'm wrong, but when our current management was being interviewed, I was told that an awareness and ability to support the falcon process was part of the criteria being considered in hiring a new on-site manager.

4. Stewardship

This year, given my reduced availability, I figured it was a no-brainer to seek help from the building, to take at least some ownership of the process, since it is our building, not mine, and technically a building management issue, not to mention an exercise in corporate and social responsibility.

While asking for support, I was informed that the board and management feel it should be the MNR's responsibility to manage the falcons on site.

This ignores the importance of stewardship explained to us by the MNR and Minister of Natural Resources a year ago when we held a "town hall meeting". That meeting, incidentally, was held to a) help clarify our responsibilities when it comes to the Endangered Species Act, and b) to help dissuade our board from wasting our funds pursuing legal options in the hopes of removing the falcons from our building. We were advised by the MNR that this probably wasn't a cause we'd have much success with, as I had previously explained.

The position of the board is odd, considering it doesn't factor in a) the large number of residents the board represents, who gladly volunteer and contribute to this process, and b) the claim I recently read in a condo management magazine, which highlights our condo-of-the-year candidate building. The article, written by the Board of Directors, mentions that "The [our building] has teamed with the Ministry of Natural Resources and is implementing a program to support an endangered wildlife species that resides on our property.". The things people say for contests... We're a proud leader in waste diversion and recycling, but birds, well, that's apparently not our bag...

All around the world, folks work together to support at-risk species. It's the least we can do considering Man's activities are the reason why these species are at-risk in the first place.

I understand, not all people love these falcons, evident from the rude sneers I get from some residents (don't worry, I'm not a big fan of you either) when I'm standing outside trying to figure out what the birds are doing. I understand, some people hope our efforts are in vain, like last year when a resident shared her hopes that our falcons all fly to their death at the airport. I understand all that, or at least respect the right we have to our individual opinions.

All this said, I know many residents here (and folks elsewhere) DO care, and I'm asking for your help. As a group of residents, we can do what's required, or more importantly, what's right.

If you have the time and ability to contribute, please contact me and let me know what you can do. If you have any comments about this post or suggestions on how we can proceed, feel free to drop me a line, I'd like to hear from you. Contact me through this link.

In the unlikely case that apathy prevails and we can't assemble a team to work through the season, I will do my best to keep the MNR informed of things and post updates here, and I guess we'll just let nature manage the process.

Don't get me entirely wrong. I am proud of our residents, and our successes in the past, and find it rewarding to hear about something like Marla's appearance in Ohio this week. This is what it's all about, making a contribution as a team - making a difference. The rest of this is just irritating static.

Apr 15, 2010 - Legislation Update

It was brought to my attention today that some changes have been made to legislation regarding Peregrine Falcons and the definition of their protected habitat.

As a result, mapping of our nest site and area will be taking place at some point in the near future, by the MNR.

Please rely on the official documentation, but some interesting enhancements to the legislation are that it now applies to a radius of 10 meters from any nest location for a period of two years, and on a broader level, also includes 200 meters from any location that is being used, or was used by a Peregrine falcon. This would cover our entire property, and in fact, even the trees on adjacent lands beyond our property.

For more information, see the new document in the Article Library which also contains a link to the new E-Laws regulation.

Note, the below excerpt is merely that, and is only one regulation under the broader and prevailing Endangered Species act. Please refer to E-Laws for official information, this is a summary only.


Peregrine falcon habitat
29.  For the purpose of clause (a) of the definition of ā€œhabitatā€ in subsection 2 (1) of the Act, the following areas are prescribed as the habitat of the peregrine falcon:

                  1. A natural cliff face on which a peregrine falcon is nesting or has nested at any time during the previous 15 years, excluding any part of the cliff face where the top of the cliff face is less than 15 metres above the base of the cliff face.
                  2. The area within one kilometre of an area described in paragraph 1.
                  3. An artificially created cliff face, such as a vertical or very steep rock cut in an open pit mine, on which a peregrine falcon is nesting.
                  4. A nesting site on a building or other structure that is being used by a peregrine falcon or was used by a peregrine falcon at any time during the previous two years, and the area on the outside surface of the building or structure that is within 10 metres of the nesting site.
                  5. An area that,
                              i. is on or within 200 metres of a building or structure described in paragraph 4, and
                              ii. is habitually used by peregrine falcons.

The Endangered Species Act, 2007 can be found here:

In case the above link ever becomes outdated, E-Laws are located at:

Please consider, Peregrines are also covered under additional Federal laws, namely the Migratory Bird Act among others.

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« Reply #125 on: 15-Apr-10, 09:59:39 PM »

Apr 6, 2010 - Exciting News from Ohio!

It's very exciting to report the latest news received today from abroad! Through the underground network of falcon fans around North America, news has been received about Ms. Marla, one of our offspring from the 2009 nesting season!

Ms. Marla has made her way down to the Cleveland area of Ohio, (click for map), where she is causing some trouble for falcons nesting under a bridge.

Marla was identified thanks to the efforts of Chad and Chris, who partake in the same forensic bird photography activities I know very well. By zooming in on images of the "subadult intruder" (Marla), they were able to see she has a black 15 over X band on one leg, and she still has the red falcon-watch tape on the other! Apparently Marla isn't the only Toronto falcon down that way, 2 others are apparently being reported in the area too!

Hopefully Marla moves on to another area soon. As you can see from some of the attached photos (taken by Chad and Chris), she is causing a disturbance at the bridge nest, and territorial fights can be dangerous as we unfortunately know from the injury of our adult male here at home. From what I understand, Marla took a bit of a hit and departed, who knows what she'll get into next.

Hearing about Marla is a very rewarding experience, the payback for all the time spent monitoring and hoping these birds survive and thrive. As you can see, the ID bands are critical in tracking these falcons, but what's more important is a network of caring folks sharing information as they find it. This is the second of our 2009 juveniles we've heard about, which is great!

I'd sincerely like to thank Chad and Chris down in Cleveland, and Kathy up here who monitors Jack and the Etobicoke Bloor/Islington nest. Other unmentioned folks have also been helpful (thanks!), some not so much (that's twice now, wink wink), but all assistance is appreciated, and I will return the favour whenever the opportunity arises!


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« Reply #126 on: 16-Apr-10, 07:38:31 AM »

Private Residential Falcons

Apr 10, 2010 - Orders of Business and Seeking Stewards

As you know, these falcons are a labour of love for me, and often a time-consuming one at that. As a team, residents have helped in the past to manage the annual falcon process, which as always is greatly appreciated.

I understand, not all people love these falcons, evident from the rude sneers I get from some residents (don't worry, I'm not a big fan of you either) when I'm standing outside trying to figure out what the birds are doing. I understand, some people hope our efforts are in vain, like last year when a resident shared her hopes that our falcons all fly to their death at the airport. I understand all that, or at least respect the right we have to our individual opinions.

All this said, I know many residents here (and folks elsewhere) DO care, and I'm asking for your help. As a group of residents, we can do what's required, or more importantly, what's right.

If you have the time and ability to contribute, please contact me and let me know what you can do. If you have any comments about this post or suggestions on how we can proceed, feel free to drop me a line, I'd like to hear from you. Contact me through this link.

In the unlikely case that apathy prevails and we can't assemble a team to work through the season, I will do my best to keep the MNR informed of things and post updates here, and I guess we'll just let nature manage the process.

Don't get me entirely wrong. I am proud of our residents, and our successes in the past, and find it rewarding to hear about something like Marla's appearance in Ohio this week. This is what it's all about, making a contribution as a team - making a difference. The rest of this is just irritating static.

Dang!  And I thought we had some corporate bad attitude going on here a couple of years ago!   stupid  

Makes me all the more happy to hear Mark's reports of our new building... Pigeon guts!  COOL!  cool-045  
Very refreshing!

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« Reply #127 on: 16-Apr-10, 07:53:08 AM »

Private Residential Falcons

Apr 10, 2010 - Orders of Business and Seeking Stewards

 I understand, some people hope our efforts are in vain, like last year when a resident shared her hopes that our falcons all fly to their death at the airport. I understand all that,

Well I don't understand that, I would be a happy camper to be able to see these wonderful birds in person. There is a person who is a waste of skin, and needs to go play in traffic. Sorry just my opinion.  secret2
Bobbie Ireland
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« Reply #128 on: 16-Apr-10, 07:55:47 AM »

Sorry to ask - but is the first post re Residential Falcons from Donna or Dumpsterkitty?
I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #129 on: 16-Apr-10, 08:14:43 AM »

Private Residential Falcons

Apr 10, 2010 - Orders of Business and Seeking Stewards

 I understand, some people hope our efforts are in vain, like last year when a resident shared her hopes that our falcons all fly to their death at the airport. I understand all that,

Well I don't understand that, I would be a happy camper to be able to see these wonderful birds in person. There is a person who is a waste of skin, and needs to go play in traffic. Sorry just my opinion.  secret2

Maybe some airport traffic? Sad. I would be so excited if I had a Falcon family on my balcony.

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« Reply #130 on: 16-Apr-10, 09:34:48 AM »

Sorry to ask - but is the first post re Residential Falcons from Donna or Dumpsterkitty?

Not sure...It's probably several pages ago.  I posted about Marla being seen in Ohio...I think Donna posted the "official" news.

If we forget our passion our hearts go blind                                    @MsShaftway
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« Reply #131 on: 16-Apr-10, 10:14:55 AM »

Sorry to ask - but is the first post re Residential Falcons from Donna or Dumpsterkitty?

Not sure...It's probably several pages ago.  I posted about Marla being seen in Ohio...I think Donna posted the "official" news.

Yeah Ei, I just posted what was on the Canadian site. You got your info from the site I cannot access?  crying It's basically the same news.

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« Reply #132 on: 19-Apr-10, 06:34:54 AM »

Experimenting with live video at MEC
April 18, 2010 - Mississauga - Executive Centre
Matt MacGillivray Reports:

We are currently experimenting with live video through for the Mississauga Executive Centre nestcam.  Since this morning, both a live video feed and constantly updating snapshots are available for viewing.

This Ustream is very popular

Peregrine Nestcam live from Mississauga Executive Center

There will likely be kinks for the next little while while we work through the details.  Thanks for your patience!


!!! 4 Eggs Seenā€¦thanks New Live Video Cam
April 18, 2010 - Mississauga - Executive Centre
Frank Butson Reports:

Experimenting with Live cam!

At 4:13pm on Sunday,the adult moved off the eggs for about 5 minutes,giving a clear view of the 4 eggs it is incubating.

Get Out Of My Territory
April 14, 2010 - Burlington - Lift Bridge
Sue McCreadie Reports:

Today, Bill and I spent a little time at the Bridge.  We arrived early afternoon and started our search.  We found one adult on the face of the Hamilton Tower and the other was nowhere to be seen.  After a while, the bird from the face of the Hamilton Tower took off on a mission to Hamilton.  We lost sight of him (assuming it was Sir) at he headed across the bay.  A short time later, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a low flying Turkey Vulture approaching from under the Skyway.  In a flash, we saw and heard a peregrine screaming towards it.  In short order, the Turkey Vulture disappeared behind the trees.  Cirrus (assuming it was she) had made her presence know and even though she appeared so tiny beside the Turkey Vulture drove him out of her territory.  She immediately returned to the nest box and disappeared inside.  I think it is very safe to assume that full time incubation is ongoing.

!!! King St. 4 Eggs!
April 15, 2010 - Toronto - King Street
Linda Woods Reports:

Great News, and with thanks from a peregrine fan  who had been watching the camera closely, captured this image from our web cam and sent it to me.

King St. nest has four eggs!

Many Thanks everyone


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« Reply #133 on: 24-Apr-10, 06:22:52 AM »

!!! Nebesney looking good in Michigan USA
April 23, 2010 - Burlington - Lift Bridge
CPF Postmaster Reports:

With a huge thank you to Barb, we have a much newer photo of Nebesny that was taken April 21st and forwarded along to us from her new home territory in Michigan USA. A great shot indeed, and many thanks to Barb and all of the gang from your Canadian Friends to the north.

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« Reply #134 on: 29-Apr-10, 12:08:38 PM »

!!! Theyā€™re still here
April 28, 2010 - Toronto - Mount Sinai Hospital
Linda Woods Reports:

After numerous days of not seeing any peregrine activity, today was a more positive.

10:45a.m. male peregrine seen flying in the area south of the hospital. It eventually came to rest on the south facing ledges with prey in itā€™s talons. After making my way to a higher viewing area, I could clearly see the female in the ā€˜nesting ledgeā€ The same area as previous reports.  I also discovered a food stash on a ledge of Princess Margaret Hospital.  I continued to observe for another hour with no movement from the nesting female.

So I guess they were there the entire time. Sneaky.

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