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Author Topic: Trying to ID New Pair at Kodak Park  (Read 33768 times)
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« Reply #30 on: 04-Oct-10, 07:09:07 PM »

On Saturday, one of the workers (John) stopped by while Brain, Mak and I were there.  His shift was over and he wanted to see where the falcon was.  Unfortunately our Midwest female had taken off before he arrived. 

John said the word is out inside and and they often check their cameras, but don't see anything.  They get a big kick out of seeing us sitting in our chairs watching.  Brian explained where the KP falcon can usually be found if the workers happen to look out on the south side.  He referred to what we called the rockets as stills.  I kind of like calling them that better, since that is what they are, and it is shorter to text.

We gave him a card so he could check out the rfalconcam website.  It sure sounds like they are excited to have a peregrine falcon at their power plant.

I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #31 on: 04-Oct-10, 07:12:48 PM »

Way to go watcher's, keep them all in the loop! Glad they like PPE on their plant.  2thumbsup

and  Cheesy, your on Candid Camera!

Kris G.
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« Reply #32 on: 04-Oct-10, 07:21:09 PM »

On Saturday, one of the workers (John) stopped by while Brain, Mak and I were there.  His shift was over and he wanted to see where the falcon was.  Unfortunately our Midwest female had taken off before he arrived. 

John said the word is out inside and and they often check their cameras, but don't see anything.  They get a big kick out of seeing us sitting in our chairs watching.  Brian explained where the KP falcon can usually be found if the workers happen to look out on the south side.  He referred to what we called the rockets as stills.  I kind of like calling them that better, since that is what they are, and it is shorter to text.

We gave him a card so he could check out the rfalconcam website.  It sure sounds like they are excited to have a peregrine falcon at their power plant.



Bird Crazy

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« Reply #33 on: 04-Oct-10, 07:36:18 PM »

wouldn't it be nice if the powers that be would let a nest box be put up for the PPE
I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #34 on: 04-Oct-10, 07:43:02 PM »

wouldn't it be nice if the powers that be would let a nest box be put up for the PPE

Ya never know BC, I think they took one down from over there a while ago, (if I'm not mistaken). I read online somewhere they had a nest box over there for years and no falcons showed up. Figures now they like it.  notworthy

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« Reply #35 on: 04-Oct-10, 08:17:30 PM »

wouldn't it be nice if the powers that be would let a nest box be put up for the PPE

Ya never know BC, I think they took one down from over there a while ago, (if I'm not mistaken). I read online somewhere they had a nest box over there for years and no falcons showed up. Figures now they like it.  notworthy

Maybe it wasn't in the right location.  The watchers have some suggestions on where a good location might be from our viewpoint based on the activity and walkways at the plant. 

We will probably have to wait until Spring to confirm an actual pair has chosen this site.  Then DEC will become involved. 

We don't know if the male that was here for a short time will return, or if PPE will find a new mate.  We're confident our Midwest falcon likes it here. Because of the areas of warmth, it is possible she will stay all winter to lay claim to the territory.
Carol P.
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« Reply #36 on: 04-Oct-10, 09:53:00 PM »

The DEC has been notified of a possible pair at KP and we'll keep them updated on what's going on through the Fall and Winter. 

There were two nest boxes at KP at one time, both on buildings on the east end of the plant on Lake Ave.  They were both taken down by Kodak.

I'm really glad to hear that the Kodakers are excited about having the falcons there.  Last weekend one of the guards stopped and asked us about the falcons.  Word is spreading. 

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« Reply #37 on: 04-Oct-10, 10:44:21 PM »

It would be wonderful if the Midwest female stays on and finds a mate and another nest box was put up...These birds are precious and should be encouraged to stay!  happy
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« Reply #38 on: 04-Oct-10, 10:47:17 PM »

So perhaps one of the reasons Peregrines pick power plants to hang out at is for the warmth they produce. I'm down with calling them stills. Joyce, whatever speeds up your texting I'm all for it! harhar lol

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« Reply #39 on: 05-Oct-10, 04:27:13 AM »

The DEC has been notified of a possible pair at KP and we'll keep them updated on what's going on through the Fall and Winter. 

There were two nest boxes at KP at one time, both on buildings on the east end of the plant on Lake Ave.  They were both taken down by Kodak.

I'm really glad to hear that the Kodakers are excited about having the falcons there.  Last weekend one of the guards stopped and asked us about the falcons.  Word is spreading. 

Such good news, Carol P. And another huge "thank you" to the Watchers for spreading the word on behalf of all of us! I will be watching anxiously re more nest boxes.
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« Reply #40 on: 05-Oct-10, 06:07:24 PM »

So perhaps one of the reasons Peregrines pick power plants to hang out at is for the warmth they produce. I'm down with calling them stills. Joyce, whatever speeds up your texting I'm all for it! harhar lol

Yeah, yeah poke ...I know my texting is the slowest.  If anyone could see me trying to get out a quick watch report  tired - it takes forever!  My cell keys are so small that I have to type with a finger nail.  And it's hard to concentrate when you're being asked "Are you done yet?" aaarggh
I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #41 on: 05-Oct-10, 06:26:30 PM »

So perhaps one of the reasons Peregrines pick power plants to hang out at is for the warmth they produce. I'm down with calling them stills. Joyce, whatever speeds up your texting I'm all for it! harhar lol

Yeah, yeah poke ...I know my texting is the slowest.  If anyone could see me trying to get out a quick watch report  tired - it takes forever!  My cell keys are so small that I have to type with a finger nail.  And it's hard to concentrate when you're being asked "Are you done yet?" aaarggh

Your better than me, I abbreviate everything...ask MAK...she writes back.. HUH!!!

Bird Crazy

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« Reply #42 on: 05-Oct-10, 07:47:30 PM »

at least you'all know how to text I have no idea if my phone can even do that?  lol

why did Kodak take down the nest boxes? wondering if someone in upper management is anti falcon (if they are I hope every pigeon in Rochester poops on them)  Grin
I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #43 on: 05-Oct-10, 07:50:13 PM »

at least you'all know how to text I have no idea if my phone can even do that?  lol

why did Kodak take down the nest boxes? wondering if someone in upper management is anti falcon (if they are I hope every pigeon in Rochester poops on them)  Grin

I think basically because the nests stood empty for so many years. Isn't the one from TS from Kodak? Not sure. I forget the story on that nest.

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« Reply #44 on: 05-Oct-10, 08:23:12 PM »

Donna, TS box from BSA... it's in the back of the box on the wall...

I always think of the BSA as B&A... that Archer

I think it was Jim P. that had all the details, but if I recall correctly the Boy Scouts built a bunch of boxes that were installed at KP & other places.  I think the weather got to most of them-since they weren't occupied, no one did any maintenance.  The Times Square box was one of those built by BSA, but was never installed anywhere-I don't remember if it was in storage or on display.  Then RFC needed it, so it was pressed into service.

There was one picture I caught earlier this year where a poop shot REALLY made it look like B&A carved on the wall!

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