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Author Topic: Information on and discussion of recent events  (Read 17841 times)
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« on: 07-Apr-11, 06:58:24 PM »

Donna DT watchers; do you think there is some kind of territorial feud going on?  Archer has been so absent, and poor Beauty looks ready...
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« Reply #1 on: 07-Apr-11, 07:00:05 PM »

I think we're all trying to figure out what's going on, margaret.  But only Beauty knows for sure...

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« Reply #2 on: 07-Apr-11, 07:09:28 PM »

Oh my, It sounds like problems.  I was wondering
how many eggs there were, but if Archer is not present and Beauty
is frazzled - - ---  what is going on?
             ??? confused ???

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« Reply #3 on: 07-Apr-11, 07:15:48 PM »

Oh my, It sounds like problems.  I was wondering
how many eggs there were, but if Archer is not present and Beauty
is frazzled - - ---  what is going on?
             ??? confused ???

Archer has been around...and so has Beauty.  Not as often as I think we'd all like, but...

I don't know that there's a real problem.  Beauty is tending the egg as she would at this point in a "normal" schedule clutch.  Since she's not full time incubating, she thinks there are more eggs to come.  A review of other peregrine history shows several other instances of long gaps between eggs for one reason or another with all eggs eventually hatching just fine.  So, we just have to wait & see how the story unfolds.

If we forget our passion our hearts go blind                                    @MsShaftway

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« Reply #4 on: 07-Apr-11, 07:23:38 PM »

I'm sorry...I didn't mean to alarm anyone with my question.   I guess I'm not used to it being almost a week between eggs.  Beauty laid that first egg last Friday night.  Maybe she is waiting for Donna's visit on Friday!   happy
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« Reply #5 on: 07-Apr-11, 07:28:19 PM »

I'm sorry...I didn't mean to alarm anyone with my question.   I guess I'm not used to it being almost a week between eggs.  Beauty laid that first egg last Friday night.  Maybe she is waiting for Donna's visit on Friday!   happy

Don't apologize, margaret!  Absolutely nothing to be sorry about!  You're just voicing what many people are thinking...which is why we already started researching "Has this ever happened before?" so that our answers can be as factual as possible.

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« Reply #6 on: 07-Apr-11, 07:47:47 PM »

Could also be some reproductive issues with one of the two.  Archer is a migrating bird, if he goes to South America - they still use DDT quite heavily in some areas down there...or he could have been down in the Gulf and been affected by the spill.  

 It's too bad you didn't have access to where the other female is...could identify if it's Archer that is there and see if she's having any luck with eggs or if the situation is similar.

Also can't help but wonder if it's not stress on Beauty's part, can't be easy to wait months for your mate to come home and have to potentially share him.  Since it's not a common situation, I can't help but wonder if that's because not all females will tolerate it so easily.  I really feel for Beauty, she's such a beautiful and strong falcon.  She expends alot of energy on her own all winter defending and holding the site, even though falcons are strong - it can't be easy.
« Last Edit: 07-Apr-11, 08:10:57 PM by carly » Logged

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« Reply #7 on: 07-Apr-11, 10:32:58 PM »

Hmmmm...just trying to get up to speed since I last checked in almost three hours ago.   I kept a pretty good eye on the nest up to 7:30 or so --whenever my last post was.  Now reading back through some posts, just want to run this by all of you.     I saw that  B left NB at around 7:50, or 7:49 as Ei, I think, reported.  I had been keeping an eye on the nest pretty closely since 4 pm or so, right up until 8 pm.    Beauty  had definitely been alone during the time I was watching.   At around 7:30, Joyce posted that there were two at KP on the stills.   At 7:51, Kris G reported that B was callling for A at the NB.   
At 8:18, MAK reported that A was on the NB ledge.    At 8:24, Carol P reported that only 1 at KP, and the  2nd one had "left awhile ago, heading south".   
TS is south of KP.  The time frame fits.   Is anyone else having the same thoughts?
I had some of the same thoughts as "Bird Crazy"  and Carly -- the stress, the migration, the  "egg-binding", as I too had a wonderful bird that experienced egg-binding. 
It also seems kind of "quiet" from our wonderful watchers on the street.  I know that as Ei said, you are trying to get the facts straight, but MAK, Carol, Joyce, Dana; do  you have any thought about what you are seeing "on the Street"? 

I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #8 on: 07-Apr-11, 10:35:10 PM »

Hmmmm...just trying to get up to speed since I last checked in almost three hours ago.   I kept a pretty good eye on the nest up to 7:30 or so --whenever my last post was.  Now reading back through some posts, just want to run this by all of you.     I saw that  B left NB at around 7:50, or 7:49 as Ei, I think, reported.  I had been keeping an eye on the nest pretty closely since 4 pm or so, right up until 8 pm.    Beauty  had definitely been alone during the time I was watching.   At around 7:30, Joyce posted that there were two at KP on the stills.   At 7:51, Kris G reported that B was callling for A at the NB.   
At 8:18, MAK reported that A was on the NB ledge.    At 8:24, Carol P reported that only 1 at KP, and the  2nd one had "left awhile ago, heading south".   
TS is south of KP.  The time frame fits.   Is anyone else having the same thoughts?
I had some of the same thoughts as "Bird Crazy"  and Carly -- the stress, the migration, the  "egg-binding", as I too had a wonderful bird that experienced egg-binding. 
It also seems kind of "quiet" from our wonderful watchers on the street.  I know that as Ei said, you are trying to get the facts straight, but MAK, Carol, Joyce, Dana; do  you have any thought about what you are seeing "on the Street"? 

Margaret, read Carol's report, just now!


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« Reply #9 on: 07-Apr-11, 10:40:07 PM »

Yes, I did, just read Carol's blog post. That's what I get for coming home from work, and not checking the blogs before I read the posts.     Thanks for posting!

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« Reply #10 on: 07-Apr-11, 10:49:47 PM »

Now another question:  have there been instances when nests/eggs have been abandoned in such cases as this where the male visits two nest sites?  I know that there have been instances where males support two nest sites, but A has been scarce at NB lately.  At least it seems that way to me and I keep an eye on the NB througout the day.
All of these questions are popping up -- how long can egg sit as this one is -- un-brooded before it is not viable?  Is there a time frame?
Is there a viable nesting spot at KP?  I think a possible site was mentioned in a post this week.   
Is there any chance KP security would cooperate with watchers to allow a closer watch?
Sorry for all the questions, but after watching our Beauty all winter -- survive, and thrive, and have fun with Mr. T, and the  return of Archer , this is an unexpected turn.
Carol P.
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« Reply #11 on: 07-Apr-11, 11:06:45 PM »

Margaret - I know you and everyone else is concerned.  The Watchers have been quiet lately because we've been trying to figure out what was happening.  We didn't want to report until we were fairly certain that it was Archer.

I can't answer all your questions about the viability of the egg and history of this happening before.  Ei has posted quite a bit about this over the last couple days.  I'm sure she has more information to share.   Wink   Every situation is different.

There are quite a few potential nest sites at KP.  Both Falcons have been seen at different spots, including the ORB, an Orange Railing Bldg that they seem to like.  There are other spots that might be suited to raising Peregrine young.  No copulation has been witnessed between Archer and Lady Pefa.  They do a lot of flying around and I've actually seen them tandem hunt.  He seems really interested in food when he's there.  We have heard them ee-chupping.

We will definitely keep Watching!

Now another question:  have there been instances when nests/eggs have been abandoned in such cases as this where the male visits two nest sites?  I know that there have been instances where males support two nest sites, but A has been scarce at NB lately.  At least it seems that way to me and I keep an eye on the NB througout the day.
All of these questions are popping up -- how long can egg sit as this one is -- un-brooded before it is not viable?  Is there a time frame?
Is there a viable nesting spot at KP?  I think a possible site was mentioned in a post this week.   
Is there any chance KP security would cooperate with watchers to allow a closer watch?
Sorry for all the questions, but after watching our Beauty all winter -- survive, and thrive, and have fun with Mr. T, and the  return of Archer , this is an unexpected turn.


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« Reply #12 on: 07-Apr-11, 11:15:02 PM »

Thanks, Carol , and all of you watching. 
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« Reply #13 on: 07-Apr-11, 11:17:45 PM »

Joyce and I asked Kodak security tonight if we could get closer for ID purposes and they said we would have to get ok from our original contact. So I believe CarolP will be asking whomever gave us permission in the first place. I must admit I've been in denial that Archer was doing this but after viewing pics last nite that Joyce had taken I was absolutely convinced it was him. We all need to be patient and hope that things work out. We all feel bad for Beauty but this is a part of nature that isn't easy to take. We can all learn from this and that's what the forum is all about. Educating about the life of Peregrine Falcons be it good or bad.  heart

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« Reply #14 on: 07-Apr-11, 11:37:05 PM »

You are right, MAK.  It is an education. I have learned so much from watching the falcons. Although, who knew it would turn into a soap opera or falcon Jerry Springer?  wub2
This is waayyy past my bed time. 
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