Hello all,
I'm Kathryn and I work at Harlequin. I've been keeping your friend Carol informed of some of the goings-on through the Quest/Kendal/Harlequin saga and thought, rather than continue to read your posts anonymously, I'd jump in here!
Today was quite the exciting day! Certainly my first experience seeing an eyas up close...and I have to say, I've grown so attached to this little family that my eyes were tearing up when Harlequin first made her presence known to us all (and loudly!).
The whole process went amazingly smoothly, from what I could tell. I wasn't at the window the whole time, but the window-washing platform was raised with three workers to distract Quest and Kendal while Harlequin was removed and returned. Quest and Kendal *were not happy*. There was much fluttering about and diving and Kendal stood guard alternately on the left and right sides of the section of ledge where the scrape is. Of course, I was engaged in the weighing and banding of little Harlequin, so didn't see what was happening during all of that, but we watched Harlequin returned to the scrape (they lowered her from the roof in a bag, and the volunteers on the washing platform placed her back in the nest tray). When the washing platform was lowered again, Kendal swiftly took charge and stood guard by Harlequin. I joked that he was probably puffed up with masculine pride over the fact that *he* scared the volunteers away.
When the ropes from the washing platform were being taken away, one of the men on the roof made a sudden move, which caused Harlequin to start and she jumped back out of the nest tray. I don't like seeing her out on the ledge, but I suppose she's got to get out at some point. ?!
In any regard, this was a wonderful event. Handled very well by everyone involved. The CPF even brought a couple of educational peregrine falcons for us to visit with, plus a very rare and beautiful barn owl. This whole experience with Quest and Kendal (and now Harlequin), and the CPF, and the few of you that I briefly met at Harlequin headquarters, has turned me officially into a birder. I'm so glad Quest and Kendal chose a ledge directly opposite my window. They've brightened my days!
Cheers to all!
Oh...and here's one photo I took of Harlequin today:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/tryhank/5857782157#More to be posted soon.